New Orks Evil Sunz & Mek Workshop Rules REVEALED

By Wesley Floyd | October 25th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

ork evil sunz

Evil Sunz are the next Clan to get the spotlight. Take a look at what these red Boyz are bringing in 8th edition. Get ready for a serious Speed WAAAGH!

Games Workshop previewed the Evil Sunz Clan tactic as well as some other spicy tidbits. Be sure to check out the other Clan tactics we’ve seen so far.

It looks like the rumors from a while back were true, leading everyone to believe we have seen most of the rules for the Klans, wargear, and new vehicles already.

Goff Rules & Stratagems Revealed


goff clan tactic

Each time you roll a 6 to hit, you make an additional hit roll. It’s literally Death to the False Emperor TOWARDS EVERYFIN’.

Goff Stratagems

goff strat 1

This stratagem is worth its weight in gold. You can either deepstrike an entire unit of Meganobz somewhere and have them charge 9″ straight into a Knight. Or you could double down on some Boyz by flinging one up the board with Da Jump and have one come down from the Tellyporta. 

goff strat 2

Skarboyz are the toughest Goff Boyz around. You can spend one CP to make a full-sized unit of Boyz Skarboyz and make them S5. That’s disgusting when you pile on a few buffs like the 6+ on a hit generates an extra attack, a WAAAGH! banner, etc. This unit will be a blender and a half.

These are going to be like two-legged, dumb, green Genestealers! They can topple anything in melee combat!

Ork Snakebite Tactics, Psychic Powers & More Revealed


We’ve got another CONFIRMED clan tactic that’s in-line with the rumors we saw a while back. Does this mean everything was spot-on?

snakebite tactic Ork Snakebite Tactics, Psychic Powers & More REVEALED

Everything with this tactic in your army comes in with a built-in 6+++ FNP? Not bad. You don’t have to worry about having your Painboy keeping up with your Boyz either.

Monster Hunters

snakebites strat

Three CP might sound like a lot initially, but you’re Orks! You can slam out Battallions like nobody’s business! You’ll be able to get that extra advantage over things like Knights/ fancy Dreadnoughts. Wounding a Knight on 5+ instead of a 6+ is pretty huge.


ork psychic 1

This only goes off on a 6 (on 2d6) and you can give an Ork character +2 strength and attacks. Imagine this with the Gubbin Killa Klaw. It’s basically a thunder hammer power klaw. When you think about a Boss getting 6-7 attacks with that thing, you’ll be able to munch on some vehicles and anything else unlucky enough to get caught in you’re way.

ork psychic 2

This is the copy and paste version of psychic powers we’ve seen across all codexes. You roll a d6 for each model in the unit and on a 6+ it’s a mortal wound. However, this one has a nice little twist to it. After you roll the first wave, you roll an additional 2d6. If it’s 10+, you get to do it all over again! It does go off on an eight and you won’t always be rolling a second time, but it’s all nice.

Bad Moons Clan Tactic

bad moons

Bad Moons Clan Tactics rumor is CONFIRMED as well. It’s safe to say that those “rumors” were just early leaks after all.

bad moons clan tactic

Rerolling 1’s in the shooting phase is pretty huge when you consider the sheer amount of shots Orks can throw out. It’s about the same average as hitting on a 4+.

Considering that Bad Moons have the best chances of hitting their target in the shooting phase over any other Orks, BRING. THE. DAKKA. Just when you think you have enough shootas, add twenty more. Get that Grot gunline rocking. Do whatever it takes to pour buckets of shots at the poor person who thought they could go toe-to-toe with you.

Evil Sunz Tactics

evil sunz clan tactics

Evil Sunz are on to something. It looks like Red actually does make things go faster. You can add 1″ to the move characteristic of any model with the Evil Sunz keyword and 2″ if it’s a Speed Freek. You’ll also be able to add another 1″ to advance and charge rolls as well as ignore the penalty to hit after advancing and shooting. These guys are going to be FAST.

Speaking of Speed Freeks it looks like that will be a new keyword tossed around between certain units in the Ork codex.

Warbikers, Deffkoptas and the new buggies are all Speed Freeks – a new Ork keyword that applies to the fastest-moving ground (or near-to-ground) units, and which offers a range of powerful new synergies.


Billowing Exhaust Clouds

ork stratagem

For one CP, you can have your Speed Freeks dump smoke exhaust around them and make them -1 to hit. Not bad when you consider that you can take three models to a unit. That -1 to hit may be all you need to keep your opponent from shooting them off the table.

Mekboy Workshop Previews

Pass or Fail: Orks Mekboy Workshop Rules Breakdown

As a controversial piece in the new Ork codex, there’s been a rule confirmed for the Workshop. The rules originally started out as rumors that were floating around the internet.

more dakka

It’s a high payoff…but having to wait a turn to use the model you paid points for is rough…

Stompa & Morkanaut Getting Updates Rules

Take a look at the Stompas new stat line compared to the Index.

stompa rules

This thing got a huge buff. It’s now got a 3D6 Gatler, a D6 Supa-Rokkit with some extra AP, and a 3D6 S10 (basically melta) profile Defkannon. That’s 2d6 more potential shots from what was in the index.

stompa rigger

Cause even more of a headache for your opponent by healing D3 wounds on almost every turn. D3 may not seem like a lot on a 40+ wound model, but it can get you over the hump of a wound bracket you don’t want to be in.

Let’s take a look at what changed on the Morkanaut.


morkanaut weapon profile

First and foremost, the kustom mega-kannon is now a kustom mega-zappa, and boasts a much better attack profile, with 3D3 shots instead of D6:

The Morkanaut also comes kitted out with a Kustom Forcefield to give your Boyz closeby a 5++ invulnerable save. Not bad when you consider they have a 6+ armor save to begin with.

Shokkjump Dragsta Rules


dragsta weapon

Assault 2 kind of hurts but if the rumors are true, you’ll be hitting a lot better with this weapon thanks to the Grot Gunner and Targeting Squig. There’s still a potential of doing mortal wounds with this weapon and it’s a heavy D6 damager.

shockjump dragsta

Rumors stat line spotted from Speed Freeks Box

The great thing about Bad Moons is that you’ll be rerolling 1’s to hit. You essentially don’t have to ever worry about taking mortal wounds from this weapon.

Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy Rules

rukkatrukk squigbuggy Mysterious Ork Vehicle is Finally REVEALED More Speed Freeks 40k Vehicle Rules Are Here!

rukkatrukk rules

Honestly, it looks like the Boom Squig firing mode is going to be used the most. It’s a happy middle ground between number of shots, AP, Strength, and Damage.

rukkatrukk rules 2

This is a decent area of denial effect that you can use to your advantage. Put a squig mine on an objective or a choke point to force your enemy to move differently. It could do some damage for basically FREE! The rumors spotted for this vehicle look like they were on-point as well.

Check out the latest rumors that are looking to be spot-on as GW reveals more and more clans for the new codex.

More 40k Ork Codex Stratagem Rumors!

ork dakka jet

Are you going to be running a fully-mechanized list of Evil Sunz? Do you like the melee or Dakka lists for Orks? Are Evil Sunz the best clan to take Speed Freeks vehicles with? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.