NEW Primarch Rules, Forge World, Black Library & MORE

By James Rodriguez | March 6th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Gathering Storm III rise of the primarchWith new releases from Black Library, Forge World, and a closer look at the Triumvirate of the Primarch, there’s something for everyone from this weekend.

Whether you’re into 40k, Lore, or just want to know what’s happening in the community we have something for you from the weekend:

New Psi-Titan Story From Black Library!

Ordo Sinister coverThe Psi-Titan has been one of the models we’ve all be anticipating. This eShort shows why it’s such a great God-Machine while it fights in the Webway!

Gathering Storm III Contents & Cypher’s Rules Spotted!

cypher dPeople are starting to get the new Gathering Storm III, and we’re starting to see the rules for the new models. Today we’re going to take a look at Cypher!

Hammer Time: Grand Master Voldus Rules Spotted

Gathering Storm IIIPeople are starting to get the new Gathering Storm III, and we’re starting to see the rules for the new models. Today we’re going to take a look at Voldus!

June’s Black Library Releases REVEALED!

magnus new black library 40k novel horus heresy

Black Library just revealed the releases that will be coming our way in June. Come check out these 3 fantastic looking novels!

Games Workshop’s New Releases – REVEALED

gw wallpaper warhammer store fron

This week’s new releases are packed with all the Gathering Storm III goodies we’ve been waiting on! You’re not going to want to miss this!

Playing The New Primarch: Guilliman Tactical Review

Roboute Guilliman Avenging Son

Triumvirate of the Primarch is finally here and the tactical posts are starting to come out! Come find out the latest info on Roboute Guilliman!

Forge World’s New Release Lineup REVEALED!

Thunderhawks walpaper1

Forge World just released some new Legio Custodes Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Come take a look at the latest pre-order items!

BREAKING! Guilliman Pics & Rules REVEALED!

Guilliman Gathering Storm IIIGames Workshop just revealed the next video in Gathering Storm 3, as well as some rules for Guilliman, on Warhammer Live!

BREAKING: GW Drops New Fracture of Biel-Tan FAQ

biel tan triumverite ynnead aeldari eldar

With Adepticon just a few weeks away, Games Workshop drop the Fracture of Biel-Tan FAQ’s just in time for you to familiarize yourself.

June’s releases from the Black Library, Triumvirate of the Primach rules spilling out all over the place, and a ton of new releases coming our way next week from Games Workshop. This was definitely a busy weekend for the hobby, thank you for making us your go to for the latest updates.

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