New Sisters of Battle Celestian Sacresants REVEALED!

sisters-new-modelsGet ready to smite the unworthy heretics in close combat as GW reveals the Sisters of Battle Celestian Sacresants– check it out!

Warhammer Community unveiled the newest installment of the Battle Sister Bulletin in the form of a new elite close combat unit. Where the Repentia Squad uses pure hatred in battle, the new unit contains some of the most elite fighters the Sisters have to offer. They use giant halberds, maces, and shields to destroy the enemy. For those looking for a bigger close combat-focused force, these new minis are sweet!

While getting new minis is pretty great, having the points for ones you already have is even better. Since the points weren’t in the box for the Palatine, GW is releasing them. For only 45 points, she isn’t a bad deal.

Sisters of Battle Celestian Sacresants & Palatine Points

paragon warsuit 1If you want to see any of the other rules/minis released so far, just click on any of the links below:

New Sacresants

Celestian Sacresants

Like their Celestian sisters, Sacresants traditionally act as bodyguards to the heads of their Order, but they’re also tasked with another holy duty. Purging the impure and driving them from sites of sacred significance on the battlefield.

As a Celestian, each Sacresant is a highly skilled warrior, able to overcome many times her own number in battle. Sacresants wield a variety of blessed polearms and maces with which to smite the unclean and bear large, ornate shields to ward off the blows of their enemies. Protected in both body and spirit, Celestian Sacresants are the wall against which waves of heretics will break.

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Looks like they’ll have an invuln with the shield and some high damage attacks. They mention they have serious staying power, so maybe multiple wounds are not out of the question. They don’t say anything else yet for the rules, but we assume they’ll have some teasers before long.

Palatine Points

Palatine PointsOne last thing. Those of you who picked up the Piety and Pain boxed set may have noticed that the points and Power Rating for the Palatine were not in the rulebook you got. They are set to appear in a future publication, but until then we thought you might like to unleash this new Adepta Sororitas commander in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

Welp, since they were supposed to be in the book and weren’t at least you know the points now!

Are you excited about the new unit? Are you looking forward to more CC units for them?

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