New Space Marines 9th Edition 40k Chapter Tactics Rules

new-rules-space-marines-40k-9th-editionNew Space Marines 9th Edition 40k rules for Chapter Tactics and more have been spotted in their upcoming codex book due in October.

Warhammer Community let the cat out of the bag with their video flip though during the Indomitus Launch Day preview.

launch party preview

If you missed it, check out the pages they show below before we take a close look at the new rules.

GW Announces 9th Edition Space Marine & Necron Codex

new 9th edition codexesCodex: Necrons and Codex: Space Marines combine the codex content you love with all sorts of new stuff for the latest edition of Warhammer 40,000. Sumptuous art and thrilling lore bring each faction to life, while the layout of each book has been redesigned in order to be accessible and easily referenced.

Each book has everything you’d expect from a codex in the new edition. Including the new idea that each faction will have faction-specific Secondary Objectives! Making each game and how you win different based on the army you are fielding.

New Space Marine 9th Edition 40k Chapter Tactics Rules

9th space marine chapter tacticsAlthough it’s pretty hard to read, some savvy Reddit users have been breaking it down! User u/AenarIT broke it down and posted this list which has over 400 comments already!:

  • Dark Angels: 1) +1 to hit if the unit did not move in this turn and 2) something about Combat Attrition, probably auto-pass.
  • White Scars: 1) can Charge after Advance or Fall Back and 2) can fire Assault with no penalty after an Advance move.
  • Space Wolves: 1) +1 to hit in melee if the unit charged, was charged or heroically intervened and 2) units with this tactic can heroically intervene as if they were characters.
  • Imperial Fists: 1) ignore Light Cover and 2) 2 (probably only 1, blame the wonky screenshot) additional hits with unmodified 6s with bolt weapons.
  • Crimson Fists: 1) +1 to hit when the target unit contains 5+ more models than this unit (VEHICLE counts as 5) and 2) 1 additional hit with unmodified 6s with bolt weapons.
  • Black Templars: 1) reroll Advance and Charge rolls and 2) 5+ feel no pain against mortal wounds.
  • Blood Angels: 1) +1 to wound when charging, charged or heroically intervening and 2) +1″ to Advance and Charge rolls.
  • Flesh Tearers: 1) +1 to wound when charging, charged or heroically intervening and 2) -1 AP on unmodified wound rolls of 6.
  • Iron Hands: 1) 6+ feel no pain and 2) double wounds on the damage chart.
  • Ultramarines: 1) +1 Leadership and 2) can shoot in a turn during which it Falls Back, but at -1 to hit.
  • Salamanders:1) you can reroll one wound roll when resolving that unit’s attack and 2) each time an attack with an AP characteristic of -1 is allocated…treat it as 0 instead.
  • Raven Guard: 1) count as being in Light Cover if the attacker is more than 18″ away and 2) INFANTRY only count as being in Dense Cover if the attacker is more than 12″ away.
  • Deathwatch: 1) each time a model with this tactic makes a melee attack against TYRANID, AELDARI, ORK, NECRONS or TAU, reroll a hit roll of 1 and 2) after both sides have finished deploying their armies, select one battlefield role. Until the end of the battle, each time a model with this tactic makes an attack against an enemy unit with that battlefield role, reroll a wound roll of 1.

Each of the chapters looks to be getting gets two effects making them each pretty flavourful and unique. Hopefully, each chapter has more rules that will continue to add to each of their unique feels and playstyles!

psychic awakening NEW

If you are a player of the armies that recently got updated through Psychic awakening have no fear! You can still use those rules alongside the new codex. The other flavors of Space Marines that had their own codexes will also be updated soon! So you won’t have to wait too long to play Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Deathwatch, and Blood Angels in all their glory.

For fans of the Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Blood Angels and Deathwatch?

If you have one of these armies, good news – not only do you get a shiny new core codex with loads of new toys to play with, but you also have a new codex supplement on the way.

Secondary Objectives For 9th Edition Also Spotted

3 New Secondary Objectives for Space Marines are also visible under the heading Purge the Enemy.

pruge the enemy space marines secondary objectivesThere also appears to be another entry under these that may or may not be another category to choose from as well!  GW also let us know that these two codexes will release sometime in October! So whatever else is on the way, it’s all not too far off at all.

Are you excited for 9th edition? Will you be waiting and picking up these codexes or are you waiting for a different faction release? Do you like the chapter rules/traits?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!