New Warhammer Day 2021 Exclusives & October Preview Revealed

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre orderThe two Warhammer Day 2021 Exclusives have been revealed by GW for Vampires and Space Marines along with a preview that is on the way too!

We actually spotted the Primaris Lieutenant With Storm Shield in the wild a few months ago but weren’t sure (at the time) if it was just going to be another Blade Guard or separate offering.

Looks like GW just couldn’t live without another Lieutenant though so now we’re getting this guy soon!  Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion will be filling the spot for AoS with Warhammer Day taking place on October 30th

Warhammer Community just unveiled the new minis and a teaser for a new preview coming on the 30th. Let’s check out the new minis!

Warhammer Day 2021 Exclusive Minis Revealed

Warhammer Day returns once again on the 30th of October 2021. We’re marking this momentous day with not one, but two incredible commemorative edition miniatures and an absolutely massive online preview of some of the major releases slated for the rest of 2021 – and beyond.  

There will be two new minis but also a Warhammer preview, meaning some of the big rumors we’ve been seeing might actually get confirmed.

Warhammer Day Exclusive MinisWho doesn’t need another Lieutenant in their army? Well, if you’re already overflowing, get used to it we guess…?

Warhammer Day Exclusive Minis 2Phwoar. This Primaris Lieutenant With Storm Shield will be joined by the Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion, with both miniatures available for a strictly limited time starting on Warhammer Day itself, the 30th of October, until the 7th of November. Anasta Malkorion will be available in stores and online, but you’ll only be able to acquire our brave Lieutenant from

It’s definitely a little disappointing stores won’t have the Space Marine, but at least they will get one mini. Plus, you’ll have a full week to order. We hope they MTO these, so they don’t skyrocket on the secondary market.

This might also show just how far behind their original release schedule GW is as we saw this mini over two months ago in the Orks codex. It’s more likely though, they just were just getting this promotion ready ahead of time.

Overall, both the minis are pretty static but the detail is there and they would make for really fun additions to anyone’s army.

New Warhammer Day Preview

Warhammer previewWe’d love to tell you more about what’ll be revealed in the live stream we’ve been cooking up for the day itself, but that’d ruin the surprise. Suffice it to say that there’s a mind-boggling amount of stuff to show you.

This is all they said about the preview, but there is generally a lot of stuff revealed for Black Friday and beyond.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For Oct & Beyond

Are you excited about the new minis? Will you be picking either of them up?

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