New Terrain & Tyranids – WD 123 REVEALED

By Rob Baer | June 4th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

white dwarf 123

Checkout Games Workshop’s preview of the new Armored Containers, Tyranids & more that’s coming our way in White Dwarf #123

White Dwarf’s back this week with all the new products from GW. Coming in hot is the new Armored Containers, Tyranids, and Tech Priest for 40k.


This is a great issue with the new Datasheet for the crates and not one, not two, but THREE Paint Splatter articles on the new releases themselves.

Another great issue is coming out way this weekend!


White Dwarf 123 $4


white dwarf #123


This week White Dwarf comes to you with news of boxes and barrels – they’ve got the lowdown on the Munitorum Armoured Containers, splendid new scenery for every Warhammer 40,000 gaming table. They’ll show you how to paint them, how to place them and how to play with them, with rules, an example game and a Paint Splatter!

There’s also details of the Tyranid Broodlord and Tech-priest Enginseer, a splendid Cult Mechanicus army, a very tanky Golden Demon and those splendid chaps over at Creative Assembly have sent in some of their painted miniatures to gaze upon. All this plus the usual comment, opinion and reaction from The Week In White Dwarf.

GW’s Newest Product Line – WD 123 REVEALED Review


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