New Titans & Warbands: Next Week’s GW Releases REVEALED!

Chaos may be over, but there are more great pre-orders on the way from Games Workshop for Warhammer Underworlds and Adeptus Titanicus!

Warhammer Community, has confirmed this weekend’s pre-orders that includes two new warbands for Warhammer Underworlds and a slew of releases for Adeptus Titanicus as well!

We’ve got a pair of warbands making their Warhammer Underworlds debut, as well as some warband sets available just as miniatures for the first time, and finally, the second campaign book for Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy. 

Exciting times for AT and Underworlds players alike. New expansions and models galore!

Ylthari’s Guardians

That’s right, the Sylvaneth are about to enter the Mirrored City! More specifically, they are re-awakening there, having been roused from their long slumber by the magical aftermath of the Shyish Necroquake. This set includes four push-fit Sylvaneth miniatures cast in green plastic, as well as 60 cards to augment your fighters and provide new tactics and challenges for your games of Warhammer Underworlds, including loads of universal cards that can be used by any warband.


Thundrik’s Profiteers

The Kharadron Overlords warband, Thundrik’s Profiteers, have travelled to Shadespire intent on uncovering the ancient Katophrane relics that can be found there. The warband includes five plucky duardin cast in a metallic brown plastic, as well as a set of 60 cards with which to build an all-conquering deck for your Kharadron Overlords or other warbands.

Warband Miniatures Sets

There are also six miniatures sets, previously only available as full Warhammer Underworlds warbands, that are about to become available separately for the first time. 

Coming in hot for miniature collectors who dont care about the cards inside, the previous six expansions are the new Warband miniature sets as well. Traditionally there are web exclusives and there isnt *much* savings over the card sets, but it is perfect for Age of Sigmar hobbyists just the same.

Adeptus Titanicus

Hot on the heels of the Titandeath campaign book comes Doom of Molech, which retells one of the most pivotal conflicts of the Horus Heresy. In addition to recounting the seismic events of the Battle of Molech, the book introduces a detailed campaign that enables you to refight each stage of the war over the course of six narrative missions. What’s more, there are also rules for four new Titan Legions and seven Knight Houses – which you will be able to field as full armies for the first time – and much more besides!


The newest rulesbook for AT will be coming soon! That’s right Doom of Molech is on the way, with all sorts of new Titan rules, and for the first time thus far new Knight rules and houses as well!  Who’s stoked to field a whole Tiny Knight army?

Knight Stratagem Cards

Of course, if you’re going to be fielding an entire army of Knights, you’re going to want a set of Stratagems to get the most from your Knight banners. This pack helps you do just that, with 26 cards designed to take their tactical options and battlefield nuances to the next level.

No idea what will be coming in here, but 26 strategems definitely puts Knights on par with their larger cousins the Titans for playability!

Civitas Imperialis Administratum Sector and Spires

Last up is a pair of plastic scenery sets designed to complement your Adeptus Titanicus battlefields, each with a modular design and Gothic styling. The Civitas Imperialis Spires kit is brand-new and engineered to fit with all of the existing kits in the range to give you loads of cool options with which to revamp your terrain collection.

While there are new Knight kits this go around (we know where will be at least two more Cerastus class packs based on the terminals), there is some new terrain on the way!  Looks to be some sort of bundle and upgrade type set as well. Now the terrain sets may be even more worth it!

Which of these new releases are you looking forward to the most? Will you be transforming your gaming experience? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and get your free hobby updates each morning as well!