It’s The White Scars Turn For New Rules Teasers

White Scars

The White Scars are back on the hunt again in today’s new Codex Space Marine rules & tactics preview. Come see the latest teaser form Games Workshop.

GW dropped a big teaser today on how the new Space Marine White Scars will play and feel on their big daily ramp up to the release of the new codex book.

In today’s Chapter Focus we’re looking at the White Scars, peerless masters of the hunt. Similar in some respects to the Raven Guard (who we previewed yesterday), the White Scars exchange the stealth of their brethren for unparalleled speed.


Attacking with primal fury, the White Scars are a storm from which there is no escape. On the tabletop, this is reflected by the White Scars’ Chapter Tactic, Lightning Assault. Firstly, all White Scars biker units move faster when advancing, allowing you to close in on the foe and outflank your enemies. Secondly, all White Scars units – including Dreadnoughts! – can charge in the same turn that they fall back.

This is a huge new addition for the White Scars army. All units with Lightening Assault, including Dreadnought, can charge in the same turn that they fell back. They also get to move an extra 2″ in addition to the distance rolled, with biker units getting an additional 8″.


As well as Chapter Tactics, there’s a range of ways to further customise your White Scars. Kor’sarro Khan is as powerful as he ever was, and his unique ability For the Khan! boosts the Strength of charging White Scars units – combined with their Chapter Tactics, it’s going to be very hard to defend against getting repeatedly charged by a White Scars army. The White Scars Stratagem, Born in the Saddle, allows White Scars bikers to advance, shoot, and charge, meaning that each biker has a potential threat range of 26″, and you’ll be able to hit your opponent hard before they’re even able to react.

The new Born in the Saddle Stratagem has the potential of becoming a major threat to your opponent. It will allow you to advance, shoot, and charge all in the same turn, giving a possible 26″ range.

Finally, the White Scars have a unique Warlord Trait and Relic adding yet more powerful options to the army. Deadly Hunter allows your Warlord to deal mortal wounds when charging, while the Mantle of the Stormseer makes it easier for White Scars psykers to cast Smite and unleash the power of the storm.

The Warlord Trait Deadly Hunter is going to allow your Warlord to deal mortal wounds when charging, while Mantle of the Stormseer is going to make it easier for White Scar psykers to cast Smite. This is going to make the White Scars not only a fast moving army, but an extremely deadly one. We can’t wait to see what Games Workshop reveals next!

What are your favorite rules previews from the latest round of teasers?

GW Previews New Codex: Space Marines

Primaris Marine Wal Hor

Games Workshop just gave us a first look into the new Codex: Space Marines. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the first Codex of 8th edition.

This is the complete guide to your army, with 104 pages of background, covering the long and storied history of the Adeptus Astartes and the distinct traditions of the First Founding Chapters and their Successors. There’s also new background focused on the Primaris Marines and the Ultima Founding, from Chapters brought back from the brink of destruction like the Crimson Fists to new heroes like the Rift Stalkers. There’s detailed livery to inspire your own paint schemes, as well as a breakdown of squad and company markings, from those of the more Codex compliant Chapters like the Ultramarines to the unique battle-iconography of the Black Templars.

New Models Ahoy! Checkout our breakdown of all these new units picture above!

The new Codex: Space Marine is looking very promising. You’re going to be getting 26 new Stratagems, 14 new Warlord Traits, and 85 datasheets in this 104 page book.

We are anxiously looking forward to what Games Workshop has to reveal over the next week, leading up to the pre-order next Saturday.

What do you think about the new Codex: Space Marines? Let us know in the comments below.

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