Now With More Dakka! – Stormlord Rolling Fortress

stormlord cadian imperial guard astra militarum super heavy lord of war

That’s no fortress it’s a tank. Come see the Stormlord, the guard’s watered down version of the Mastodon, now with more dakka!

The Stormlord is a formidable adversary on both the gaming table and the hobby bench. Easily one of the largest Games Workshop models, the Stormlord presents the plastic model builder with quite a challenge.

I’ve always wanted to build a Baneblade variant. I purchased one last year, ordered a second set of sponsons, and set to work on making this beast. I chose the Stormlord variant for the rear deck and all those pretty guns. I included a great deal of storage bits from Value Gear Details , and  a crew of guardsmen to man the fire points and heavy stubbers.

Many other bits were added including jewelry chain and sandbags made from greenstuff. The model was painted in the same scheme I’ve been using for the rest of my Pardus 8th Armored regiment.

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