40k’s Top Unbeatable Army From Adepticon 2019

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaos

The Adepticon results are in, and the latest top unbeatable army for Warhammer 40k is Chaos Daemons!

Adepticon 2019 was full of pro players and homebrew lists. Take a look at the list that managed to climb its way to the top without taking a single loss. This was the list that ruled them all!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we can look back at all the details from the event.

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1st Place: Chaos Daemons- Jim Vesal

flamer daemon chaos wal

Taking a look at two Battalions and a Supreme Command detachment, Daemons managed to pull out a victory in every round. Two massive units of Plaguebearers sat on the board and refused to get scooped off. On top of all this, a couple of Nurglings ran around and managed to hold onto some objectives in the early game.

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Chaos undivided ran a squad of 15 Bloodletters to nuke something in melee out of deepstrike. The Pink Horrors and Brimstone Horrors acted as a screen and extra wounds. A Khorne Daemon Prince leads the charge in the detachment. If he could manage to get into melee combat with a tank, it would be toast.

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Finally, a Heretic Astartes Supreme Command Detachment was brought along with Ahriman, two Daemon Princes, and a Sorcerer. The Psychic output from these guys is almost on-par with Magnus. However, it’s really a better option because none of them can be targeted unless they’re the closest.

Looking at the meta of 8th edition, Daemons have proven themselves to be a solid choice. This list ran a total of three! This list faced multiple Castellans, Genestealer Cults beat down lists, and Eldar raiding parties and still clawed its way to victory.

Top 3 Unbeatable Warhammer 40k Armies Adepticon Day 1

genestealer cult

We know you’ve been wanting to know what the top three 40k lists that pounded the meta at Adepticon day 1. So sit back and check out the full break down!

What do you think about the list? Do you run something similar? What’s the biggest competition you’ve ever won? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.