Open Topped Stormsurge – Does It Really Matter?

By Rob Baer | October 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News

stormsurge walpaper

It appears that the new Stormsurge battlesuit has an open cockpit, but thankfully it’s not reflected in the rules. Does it really matter?

We’ve all seen the new Tau Stormsurge for a few days now, and no one knew to look closer at the chest area for a look at exposed crew, until now:


Then we got the shots of the suit from above and saw that not only is there TWO crew members who look to be quite busy keeping the robot on task (i.e. a Helicopter pilot team), but they painted weathering around the lip of the cockpit area.

Does that mean there is no optional piece to cover up the seemingly “exposed” crew?

Check it out on these overhead shots, now that you know to look for the crew, all three Stormsurges can clearly be seen with exposed chest cavities.


Being open topped is NOT reflected in the Stormsurge’s rules, so it doesn’t seem to be a draw back right?

I’d just like to know what the crew is supposed to do if some Space Marine flies over them and drops a meltabomb in the cockpit? Or what if it rains, do they have a lifeproof case for all those fancy electronics in there?

Oh man what if the walker bends over, do the little men inside fall out, or are they wearing safety belts?

All joking aside I think the new walkers is pretty cool looking overall, but these jokes really do write themselves. Games Workshop will probably be laughing all the way to the bank… again.

~I mean Space Marines run into battle with no helmets on sometimes, but hey that’s only the important sergeants for the squad so it’s okay right?