Orkified Knights Stomp Onto the Field: LVO Army Showcase

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Orks got a hold of some Knight scraps and threw their own spin on things. Check out these awesome walkers spotted at the Las Vegas Open.

The Las Vegas Open had players come under one roof from all around the world to roll dice. With so many armies under one roof, there were some head-turning armies that were spotted as well. Check out this amazing converted Ork army.

LVO 2019

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Ork-i-fied Knight Stomp Onto the Field: LVO Army Showcase

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These Ork-themed Knights were spotted on the tabletops of the 2019 LVO with some pretty awesome conversions across the board. We’ll be jumping into the fine details but take a look at the detail of this army overall!

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These Orks might have commandeered some Knight husks and with that, some followers. These Cawdor-gang models from Necromunda are all wearing green facemasks to show their allegiance to the WAAAGH! That’s a pretty awesome idea for a fluffy loyal 32.

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As for the head Ork in charge, he’s sitting atop one of the Knights with bits from the Spiderfang Grots and Beastclaw Raiders in AoS. This Big Mek might be exposed but at least he’s protected by WAAAGH!! energy.

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Moving into the painting detail, the crisp red paint contrasts extremely well with the worn, oiled-metal look of the pistons on the Knight’s legs. Most people that pump out Knights just hit the Knight’s skeleton with some Leadbelcher and Nuln Oil and call it a day. However, this hobbyist highlighted the copper fittings and even added some awesome shading effects.

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For the other one-of-a-kind walker, this Gorkanaut was used as a base of conversion with some Imperial Knight/Beastclaw Raider bits. While the head might be from AoS, it looks totally fluffy to see this giant skull strapped to an Orkish behemoth.

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No details were spared on this model. Even the smallest armor plates rock some Snakebite iconography. Great job on this Knight list! Keep on flexing those hobby muscles!

What do you think about Ork-themed converted Knight armies? Have you been working on a Knight list yourself? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!