ORKTOBER: Orc Forge Lord From Creature Caster

Orc Forge Lord

The creative team at Creature Caster is starting October er Orktober off right with the new Orc Forge Lord. Let’s take a look!

It is the season of green! Gome and lay eyes on this hot new Orc miniature from the hobby maniacs at Creature Caster.

Orc Forge Lord: $42.00

Orc Forge Lord


Orc Forge Lord


Orc Forge Lord


Orc Forge Lord

Since the beginning of time, orcs have shared a unique connection with their weaponry. Orcish legends state that the first orc forged weapons from the bones of his fallen family, and that their bones sang songs of vengeance to him. The bones guided him and brought him victory against his enemies. Through means unknown, the forge lords are able to harvest the genetic memory of fallen warriors and instill them into the weapons that they craft. When an orc picks up such a weapon, he hears the songs of war and vengeance and fury. 

It is these weapons that make orcs a terrifying foe. What would be a disorganized rabble becomes a somewhat coherent force that is imbued with an understanding of war far beyond their training. The orcs respond to the call of their weapons, and the weapons respond to the orcs. The finest examples of this are the cybernetic implants with which the forge lords will augment the strongest of warriors. Such mechanical replacements are just as responsive to the recipients’ thoughts as the original organic body parts were. It is even possible for the orcs to develop a sense of touch with limbs that are bonded in this way. Orcish warriors who receive such weapons are marked for greatness, and will often rise to become forge lords themselves.  

The Orc Forge Lord is hand-cast in pure, unfilled resin. He comes with a custom 50mm round base and has a height of 100mm from the bottom of his scenic base to top of his swirling smoke. Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+.

The new Orc Forge Lord looks great! Make sure you visit Creature Caster and secure your copy this ORKTOBER!

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