40k News & Articles

space marines wal hor codex cover warhammer 40k

Hey guys, this is a joint article Big Red and I did over at BoLS. The full video of the whole Forge World preview display case is at the bottom.  Be sure to check it out.  Enjoy- MBG Big Red: Well, we got a bunch of pics of the Badab War minis and the cover […]

Read More | August 23rd, 2010

Well they say everything is bigger in Texas. Cliche I know, but wait till you see this Apocalypse Coverage.  Some of these models were made by Dave Taylor, and Victor Hardy, amazing! Nice huh? -MBG

Read More | August 22nd, 2010

We’ve all issues with primer- whether it was too much, too little, flakes, or fuzzy paint it’s one of the most frustrating parts of the hobby.  Mastering this basic technique is easy however- as the most common solution is to not prime your minis in high humidity. Also keep in mind the distance between the […]

Read More | August 22nd, 2010

Hobby Basics: Priming 101

August 22nd, 2010

Hey everyone.  I just posted up some video of the event over at YouTube.  Check out my channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/rbaer0002, I’ll be posting up coverage all day.

Read More | August 21st, 2010

There can be only one! This year in North America Games Day will be held in Baltimore, MD. Spikey Bits and friends will be there checking out the festivities, and hanging with Jawaballs, Brass Scorpion, and more. I just posted up some video of the event over at YouTube.  Check out my channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/rbaer0002, I’ll […]

Read More | August 20th, 2010

One of the most highly requested model kits has now been released in plastic, and best of all you get three in one box! The new kit is by far superior to the old pewter ones.  There is a ton of gubbins in the new box, along with alternate horn options for the Juggernauts as […]

Read More | August 20th, 2010

I used to really enjoy an old article in Inquest Magazine (published for Magic the Gathering) called Dead Man’s Hand.  You would only have one turn left and you had to kill your opponent that turn, or you lose. They showed you your hand and the battlefield, and you had to come up with the […]

Read More | August 19th, 2010

That’s right! In one week, August 25th, I will select another blog follower at random to win this box of brand new Bloodcrushers of Khorne. Obviously friends and family of myself are excluded from winning, sorry getting close to me has drawbacks lol. Well that’s it. So spread the word and if you haven’t signed […]

Read More | August 18th, 2010

We’re starting a 40k Campaign this Wednesday at FTW Games, and I thought it would be awesome to revisit the old Vogen system.  I lucked out and still had the old PDFs of the campaign.  So I converted them over to the 5th edition rules set for everyone to use!If you decide to run the […]

Read More | August 17th, 2010

This awesome conversion is from isotope99 over on the BoLS Lounge.  I was REALLY impressed with it so I thought I’d share.  isotope99: “The last of my four greater daemons is the Nurgle special character Ku’Gath. It says in the codex that he takes his laboratory with him and rides in a planquin. I updated […]

Read More | August 16th, 2010

Here is an awesome preview of the New Space Marine Video Game from THQ, courtesy of Bell of Lost Souls. Check out all the videos over on the BoLS YouTube Channel– MBG

Read More | August 13th, 2010

We’re getting back into the swing of things around here, and with the new Daemon releases this week I felt it was time to once again present the Spikey Bits Monthly Give-Away.  On August 25th I will select another blog follower at random to win this box of brand new Bloodcrushers of Khorne. Obviously friends […]

Read More | August 6th, 2010

Yup our next Miniature Market will be on Sept. 4th at 11am. It also happens to be the same day the new Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition Box Sets go on sale. So there is two great reasons to come up (well three if you count swapping out your High Elves or Skaven models for even […]

Read More | August 4th, 2010

That’s right! I won the category for best Fantasy Monster, and Best Scratch Built Miniature at War Games Con (formerly BoLS Con) this weekend with my Lash Prince of Slaanesh.  Here are some pics of him in case you missed him earlier in the year. Slaaneshi yes? -MBG

Read More | August 3rd, 2010

Here’s a quick look at the base I used for my Warhound titan.  I kinda cheated and just took a Masonite stand I had cut out and sanded down years before, and pinned the Titan down to it for extra stability.  I used both a sharpie pen, and some back paint to “dot” the end […]

Read More | August 2nd, 2010

Recently at FTW Games we had to get a lot of terrain made up for our 40k RTT.  Fortunately the local gaming club, Stony Point Refugees, had a bunch of Cities of Death buildings assembled. So I opted for the quick and easy route and based them all with Foamboad (also known as Foamcore). Why […]

Read More | July 28th, 2010

Well I’m back with some great hobby advice to save you time and money, “counts as”.  We’ve all got less and less time lately and it seems like there is no shortage of models to build, so what’s better than to get the models you want, AND actually play with them?  With me I just […]

Read More | July 27th, 2010

In my early testing I was so enamored with fast moving troop squads that I didn’t pay a lot of attention to some of the more expensive units in the codex. After the love fest with 60 assault marines wore off (and really what isn’t there to love?) I started to tool around with honor […]

Read More | July 20th, 2010

Well true believers, I have managed to just about finish up my Stormraven Conversion. I know, I know, it took like two months but to be fair I did open up a gaming shop in there someplace! I really tried to put a lot of detail into this puppy and actually rebuilt it twice, as […]

Read More | July 13th, 2010

Now that things have settled down around the new store, Spikey Bits is getting back to normal. I just finished up the Stormraven, and started up on a Fantasy army for 8th Edition- more on that soon! Be sure to checkout the store blog at www.ftwgames.net -MBG TPM here asking: Why haven’t we seen more […]

Read More | June 28th, 2010

What is the History of Warhammer 40k?

40kGettingStarted Sept30 Quote1

The Warhammer 40,000 universe has a long and detailed history. It began as a tabletop miniatures game created by the British company Games Workshop in 1987.

Set in a dystopian future where the Imperium of Man, led by the God-Emperor, is locked in a perpetual battle against various alien races and heretical forces.

The game quickly gained popularity and spawned a number of spin-off games, novels, comics, and more. Warhammer 40k has been expanded upon many times over the years and now contains a rich tapestry of lore and backstory.

The history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe is long and complex, but ultimately it is a story of war and conflict.

From the very beginning, the Imperium of Man has been locked in a perpetual battle against its enemies. Whether it be the Orks, the Eldar, or Chaos itself, there has always been someone or something seeking to destroy humanity.

Why is Warhammer 40k so Popular?

lvo tables tournament warhammer eventWarhammer 40,000 is one of the most popular tabletop games in the world. In fact, it’s so popular that there are actually tournaments for it!

Players from all over come together to battle it out for supremacy, and the competition is always fierce.

But what makes Warhammer 40,000 so popular? Well, there are a few things. For starters, it’s a really fun game.

It’s fast-paced and exciting, and there’s a lot of strategic depth to it. Plus, the models are just really cool. Who doesn’t want to collect an army of tiny plastic soldiers?

Another big factor in Warhammer 40,000’s popularity is its community. The game has a very passionate and dedicated fan base, who are always excited to discuss the latest news and developments.

When new players join the game, there’s always someone there to help them out and answer their questions.

Now in its 10th edition, released in June 2023, Warhammer 40,000 is a captivating wargame demanding strategic decisions on the tabletop. Find resources and guides in our dedicated category, catering to both veteran players and new hobbyists alike!

warhammer 40k

Born in 1987 as Warhammer 40,000 – Rogue Trader, the game envisions a grim future where humanity battles alien xenos races and Chaos. The Space Marines are a group of superhuman defenders who wield arcane weapons to protect the Imperium of Man.

Warhammer 40k encompasses a large universe setting filled with epic storytelling. You can read many of these stories in ebooks, short stories, and novels from the Black Library publishing arm. 

They have something for everyone, from stories of heroes and heroic victories to gritty crime drama and mind-bending mysteries that will challenge your imagination.

You can also join friends in epic battles at home or in dedicated gaming areas to experience the thrill of Warhammer 40k.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding hobby, why not give Warhammer 40,000 a try? You might find yourself getting hooked!