Warhammer 40k News

Warhammer 40k News, Articles, Updates & Rumors

Looking for the latest scoop on Warhammer 40k News? Well, you’ve hit the jackpot! Whether you’re a hardcore lore fanatic or just here for the jaw-dropping miniatures, our Wh40k news section has you covered.

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Here is our daily coverage of Games Workshop’s Wh40k sci-fi tabletop miniatures wargame, with the latest news, rumors, guides, previews, rules updates, new products, and reviews!

Hobby Maniac’s, we’re jumping back into the Cat-Tub Time Machine and going deep into the vehicle design rules (VDR) which where penned by Andy Chambers himself in Chapter Approved.

Read More | June 4th, 2020

Things are starting to solidify a bit more on the release scene for Games Workshop as we move into the depths of summer. Come see what things are shaping up to be going deep into 2016.

Read More | July 15th, 2016