Warhammer 40k News

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Here is our daily coverage of Games Workshop’s Wh40k sci-fi tabletop miniatures wargame, with the latest news, rumors, guides, previews, rules updates, new products, and reviews!

Welcome back true believers! Now that I got my sweet scenic bases it’s time to mount the ladz to them. Of course in the process of matching them up to the bases I realized that they hadn’t been updated with new bits from the Nobz box set, so after a few Mad Dok specials here […]

Read More | May 5th, 2009

Well it was a long week, but I managed to get the bases all painted up and the Nobz mounted on them. Here are the bases, all finished up and flocked.  As you can see I trimmed some of the scrap bits down from the original design to make the overall base more streamlined. Some […]

Read More | April 22nd, 2009

All Your Base Pt. 2

April 22nd, 2009

The other day I saw some painted Ork Nob bikers on e-Bay with some pretty sweet converted bases. Seeing how my ladz were conveniently without bases, and therefore less cooler than the models I saw for up auction felt I had to act. The main problem I ran into was that I wanted to have […]

Read More | March 26th, 2020

All your base….

March 26th, 2020