Top 10 Hobby Pics of the Day From The Last Decade

space marine protection memeWe’ve seen some pretty funny stuff come from the hobby community over the past years looking back. Here are the top 10 Pics of the day from the last decade.

Going into our older Pics of the Day articles, we’ve pulled out the most-viewed over the past few decade. Sit back, relax, and check out these hobby photos!

10. Legion of The Undead Titan? Pic of the Day

legion of the damnedThe bigger they are, the harder they fight Chaos? This would be the last thing you ever want to see. Check out this hot Legion of the Damned Titan!

9. Always Use the Right Weapon! Pic of the Day

12898367_1341541189196491_6669167371134810899_oYou might be trying to prioritize the weapon configurations in your list. Looking at this chart, you can use the right tool for the right job! Take a closer look.

8. Eldar Cosplay Femme Farseer – Pic of the Day

Need some Aeldari in your life? This Farseer cosplay from years ago is still one of the coolest costumes we’ve seen for the Xenos! Check it out.

7. Just How Bad Is YOUR Faction? – Pic of the Day

mot_lawfulIn the Grimdark future, “good” might be the most subjective term in the book. So where does your faction lie on the chart?

6. Cosplay Knows No Age – Pic of the Day

10690064_937793379587580_6544564038065801305_nSisters of Battle are here in plastic and this cosplay from years ago is still looking phenomenal! Who needs to show skin when you can rock ceramite? Get a close-up on the Cosplay!

5. Rick & Morty Become Space Marines – Pic of the Day

14359025_2201469436745476_5566046886138227290_nGo back to the future, er wait, um what if Rick and Morty were Space Marines? Check out this fan art from one of the best comedy shows around!

4. Honey I Painted Your Land Raider – Pic of the Day

Land RaiderLeave your army out around the right woman and she’ll put it away safely… But once you make her angry, she’ll get even and enjoy every minute of it! Read more.

3. Best Tau Golden Demon Entry Ever? Pic of The Day

tau stealth suitStealth Suits are strong on the tabletop, but they get even stronger when they have an amazing paint job. Check out what this Hobbyist made!

2. The Future is Here Marine! – Pic of the Day

space marine protectionHave you ever wondered what the soldier of tomorrow will look like? What about the far, far future? Check out this chart of Warriors!

1. The True Scale of a Space Marine? Pic of the Day

jes-marineHow big is a Space Marine supposed to be, anyway? Well, there’s one person who should know for sure, and he’s pictured above! Get a closer look at the scale!

Looking back at the funny shorts and pictures to make the time pass by a little faster, what’s been your favorite over the years?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!