Warhammer 40k: All 20 Primarchs and Where They Are Now

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Your guide to all 20 Primarchs created by the Emperor that left their mark on Warhammer 40k, their lore, and where they are now…

Lore, Legends & Legacy of All 20 Warhammer 40k Primarchs

In the vast Warhammer 40k universe, the towering figures known as the Primarchs stand as untouchable legends, shaping the fate of galaxies with their colossal presence. From loyal stalwarts to tragic betrayers, each Primarch’s story is a tapestry of heroism, betrayal, and sacrifice.

From loyal heroes to tragic villains, find out more about the Primarchs by jumping to any of the sections below, or just dig in from the beginning!

Introduction to the Warhammer 40k Primarchs

horus heresy primarchs warhammer 40k primarchs

Who are the Primarchs?

In the grim darkness of the far future, the Primarchs stand as towering figures of legend and lore. These demigod-like beings were created by the Emperor of Mankind, each designed with unique genetic modifications to lead the Space Marine Legions in the Great Crusade. Think of them as the Avengers, but with more armor, more angst, and a lot more bloodshed.

From the loyal stalwarts like Roboute Guilliman to the traitorous titans like Horus Lupercal, the Primarchs are central to the Warhammer 40k narrative. Each one has a rich backstory, filled with epic battles, tragic downfalls, and moments of glory that would make even Achilles weep. These aren’t just characters; they are the pillars upon which the Warhammer universe is built.

The Role of Primarchs in the Warhammer 40k Universe

Primarchs are not just about swinging big swords and looking cool in power armor—although they do that exceptionally well. They are the linchpins of the Imperium’s military might and the Chaos forces’ darkest champions. Each Primarch led a Legion of Space Marines, genetically enhanced warriors bred for war. The loyalty or betrayal of these Primarchs shaped the fate of the galaxy.

The Horus Heresy, a galaxy-spanning civil war, was essentially a family feud of epic proportions, with brothers turning against brothers. This tragic event split the Primarchs into loyalists who continued to serve the Emperor and traitors who pledged themselves to the dark gods of Chaos. The ramifications of their actions echo through millennia, influencing the current state of the Imperium.

The tales of the Primarchs are interwoven with themes of heroism, betrayal, sacrifice, and redemption. Whether you’re a newcomer trying to grasp the basics or a seasoned fan delving into the intricate details, the Primarchs’ stories are a gateway to understanding the rich tapestry and lore of Warhammer 40,000.

Here is the saga of these legendary figures who stand at the heart of one of the most expansive and engaging universes ever created.

Loyalist Primarchs

primarchs loyalist warhammer 40k primarchs

All 9 Loyalist Primarch Models From Forge World

Roboute Guilliman – The Blade of Unity

guilliman warhammer 40k primarchsCurrent Status

Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, is very much alive and kicking in the 41st millennium. Revived in the closing days of M41, Guilliman now serves as the Imperial Regent, leading humanity’s defense against the myriad threats facing the Imperium. His tactical genius and unyielding resolve have made him a beacon of hope for the beleaguered human race.

Roboute Guilliman’s Origins & Early Life

Ah, Roboute Guilliman, the poster boy for all things orderly and bureaucratic. If the Imperium had a handbook on how to run a galaxy-spanning empire, Guilliman would have written it—and probably did. Known as the “Blade of Unity,” Guilliman is the Primarch of the Ultramarines, the blue-armored champions of the Imperium.

Raised on the planet Macragge, Guilliman was a natural-born leader with a knack for administration and strategy. His homeworld thrived under his rule, setting a shining example of what the Imperium could achieve. When the Horus Heresy erupted, Guilliman’s Ultramarines were pivotal in holding the line against the traitorous forces.

Fast forward to the 41st millennium, and Guilliman is back, thanks to some divine intervention and top-notch medical care (courtesy of the tech-priest Belisarius Cawl). Now, he’s not only leading his beloved Ultramarines but also trying to steer the entire Imperium away from the brink of collapse. Talk about a busy schedule. Learn more about how the Primarchs were really made here!

Where is Roboute Guilliman Now?

Roboute Guilliman currently commands the Imperium from Macragge, his homeworld, which serves as his base of operations. From here, he directs the Indomitus Crusade and manages the vast and complex machinery of the Imperial government. His presence is a stabilizing force in a galaxy beset by chaos, xenos threats, and internal strife.

Despite his success, Guilliman faces numerous challenges. The political factions within the Imperium, particularly the Ecclesiarchy and the Adeptus Mechanicus, often clash with his vision of a more rational and efficient government. His distaste for the deification of the Emperor puts him at odds with the religious leaders of the Imperium, creating tension and conflict within the very institutions he seeks to protect.

Guilliman’s relationship with his brother, the other surviving Primarch, is complex. He works closely with Lion El’Jonson, the newly returned Lion, to restore order and stability, but there is an underlying tension stemming from their different approaches and past conflicts. Guilliman’s pragmatic and strategic mindset often contrasts with the more mystical and esoteric perspectives of his sibling.

Lion El’Jonson – The Knight of Caliban

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Current Status

Lion El’Jonson was long thought to be dead, having disappeared following the cataclysmic events that destroyed Caliban. However, in the narrative arc leading up to the 10th edition of Warhammer 40k, El’Jonson was revealed to have survived, slumbering in stasis within The Rock, the Dark Angels’ fortress-monastery. His recent awakening has reinvigorated the Dark Angels and brought new hope to the Imperium.

Lion El’Jonson’s Origins & Early Life

Lion El’Jonson, the enigmatic and brooding Primarch of the Dark Angels, is a figure shrouded in mystery and honor. Known as the “Knight of Caliban,” his early life was spent on a forested world filled with monstrous beasts and dark secrets.

El’Jonson is the quintessential knight—noble, fierce, and always ready to smite evil wherever it lurks. His Dark Angels were among the most formidable of the Space Marine Legions, excelling in both martial prowess and tactical genius. However, the Horus Heresy revealed cracks in their unity, leading to a schism that haunts the Dark Angels to this day.

In the current timeline, Lion El’Jonson has made a dramatic return. Emerging from the depths of stasis, he now joins Guilliman in the monumental task of defending the Imperium. Together, they form a dynamic duo of legendary leaders, each bringing their unique strengths to the eternal war against Chaos.

Where is Lion El’Jonson Now?

Lion El’Jonson is currently active within the Imperium Nihilus, the part of the galaxy cut off from Terra by the Great Rift. He travels from world to world, battling the enemies of humanity and seeking out the Fallen. His presence is a beacon of hope in a region plagued by darkness and chaos, his leadership inspiring those who fight alongside him.

El’Jonson’s relationship with his legion is one of redemption and resolve. The Dark Angels revere him as their lord and savior, following his orders with unwavering loyalty. The hunt for the Fallen is both a matter of personal honor for El’Jonson and a means to cleanse the legion of its ancient shame. This quest has seen him clash with both Chaos forces and other enemies of the Imperium.

The Lion’s return has also brought him into contact with other significant figures within the Imperium. His partnership with Roboute Guilliman, the Imperial Regent, is crucial in the ongoing efforts to stabilize and defend the Imperium Nihilus. Despite their different approaches and past tensions, the two Primarchs recognize the necessity of unity in the face of overwhelming threats.

Vulkan – The Perpetual Smith

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Vulkan’s fate is shrouded in mystery. During the Horus Heresy, he was captured and tortured by his brother, Konrad Curze, but his status as a Perpetual—a being with the ability to regenerate from any injury—ensured his survival. After his escape, Vulkan continued to fight for the Imperium, though he eventually vanished, leaving behind a promise to return in humanity’s darkest hour.

The Salamanders hold onto the belief that their Primarch will one day return, a hope that is deeply embedded in their culture and traditions. Vulkan’s relics, known as the Nine Artefacts, are scattered across the galaxy, and the Salamanders believe that collecting them will herald his return.

Vulkan’s Origins & Early Life

Vulkan, the Primarch of the Salamanders, is as enduring as the forge fires he loves. Known as the “Perpetual Smith,” Vulkan is unique among the Primarchs for his immortality. Yes, you heard that right—this guy just doesn’t know when to quit.

Raised on the volcanic death world of Nocturne, Vulkan was a blacksmith of unparalleled skill. His creations were legendary, and his compassion for humanity was equally renowned. The Salamanders, his legion, are known for their close bonds with the human populations they protect, a trait directly inspired by Vulkan’s own values.

Where is Vulkan Now?

Vulkan’s current whereabouts are unknown, but his legacy lives on through the Salamanders. The chapter continues to uphold his values, prioritizing the protection of human lives and demonstrating exceptional resilience in battle. The quest to recover Vulkan’s relics remains a central mission for the Salamanders, each artefact seen as a piece of their Primarch’s enduring spirit.

The Salamanders’ belief in Vulkan’s eventual return is a source of strength and inspiration. It drives them to acts of heroism and sacrifice, reinforcing their commitment to the Emperor and the Imperium. The search for the Nine Artefacts is more than just a mission; it is a sacred duty, a testament to their unbreakable bond with their Primarch. In the current age, rumors of his return stir hope and fear in equal measure. If Vulkan is indeed out there, his legendary resilience and craftsmanship are assets the Imperium sorely needs in these dark times.

Leman Russ – The Wolf King

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Current Status

Leman Russ disappeared from the galaxy during the Great Scouring, shortly after the Horus Heresy. Overcome by grief and anger at the loss of the Emperor and the betrayal of his brothers, Russ embarked on a final mission, taking a select group of his most trusted warriors with him. He promised to return for the “Wolf Time,” a prophesied end-of-days battle where he would lead the Space Wolves to ultimate victory.

The exact details of Russ’s disappearance are shrouded in mystery, and his current status remains unknown. The Space Wolves continue to honor his legacy, holding onto the belief that he will one day return to lead them in their greatest battle.

Leman Russ’ Origins & Early Life

Imagine a Viking warrior with the tactical acumen of Sun Tzu and the ferocity of a rabid wolf. That’s Leman Russ, the Primarch of the Space Wolves. Known as the “Wolf King,” Russ is all about raw power, loyalty, and a good old-fashioned brawl.

Raised on the harsh ice world of Fenris, Russ grew up in a society that valued strength and honor above all else. He led his pack of fierce warriors in countless battles, and his loyalty to the Emperor was unmatched. However, Leman Russ’s story takes a mysterious turn after the Horus Heresy. He embarked on a quest into the Eye of Terror and hasn’t been seen since.

Where is Leman Russ Now?

Leman Russ’s current whereabouts are a matter of legend and speculation. Some believe he ventured into the Eye of Terror to hunt down traitor Primarchs, while others think he may be held captive by Chaos forces. Regardless of his location, the Space Wolves remain steadfast in their loyalty to him, awaiting the day of his return.

The Space Wolves continue to operate with the same ferocity and independence that Russ instilled in them. They are known for their aggressive tactics, deep sense of brotherhood, and unwavering commitment to the protection of humanity. The chapter’s unique culture and traditions, shaped by Russ’s teachings, make them a distinctive and powerful force within the Imperium.

Rogal Dorn – The Praetorian of Terra

rogal dornCurrent Status

Rogal Dorn was reportedly killed during the First Black Crusade, led by Abaddon the Despoiler. The details of his death are shrouded in mystery, with conflicting accounts suggesting he may have fallen in battle or disappeared under unknown circumstances. The Imperial Fists claim to have his remains aboard their massive fortress-monastery, the Phalanx, but they have never allowed anyone to see them.

Rogal Dorn’s Origins & Early Life

If you need a fortress built to withstand the apocalypse, Rogal Dorn is your man. Known as the “Praetorian of Terra,” Dorn was the Primarch of the Imperial Fists, the Imperium’s foremost siege masters and defenders.

Dorn hailed from the icy world of Inwit, where he learned the value of resilience and fortitude. His legion was instrumental during the Horus Heresy, particularly in the defense of Terra. Dorn’s commitment to the Emperor’s cause was absolute, and he was known for his unyielding spirit.

In the aftermath of the Heresy, Dorn met a tragic end during a boarding action against a Chaos fleet. Or did he? Some say he lives on in spirit, his hand preserved as a relic by the Imperial Fists. Whether alive or in legend, Rogal Dorn’s legacy of steadfast defense continues to inspire the warriors of the Imperium.

Where is Rogal Dorn Now?

Rogal Dorn’s current status is a matter of speculation and legend. Some within the Imperium believe that he may return, much like other Primarchs, in humanity’s hour of need. While honoring his memory, the Imperial Fists continue to operate with the same steadfast determination that Dorn instilled in them. However, many believe he was slain fighting aboard a Chaos Space Marine vessel.

Sanguinius – The Great Angel

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Current Status

Sanguinius met his end during the Siege of Terra, the final and most crucial battle of the Horus Heresy. In a heroic and tragic confrontation, he faced Horus, the Warmaster, aboard the Vengeful Spirit. Despite his formidable combat prowess and psychic abilities, Sanguinius was ultimately overpowered and killed by Horus. His death was a pivotal moment, weakening Horus enough for the Emperor to deliver the final blow.

Sanguinius’s Origins & Early Life

Sanguinius, the winged Primarch of the Blood Angels, was the epitome of nobility and sacrifice. Known as the “Great Angel,” he was beloved by his brothers and feared by his enemies.

Sanguinius grew up on the harsh world of Baal, where he led his people with a blend of compassion and strength. His angelic appearance and formidable combat skills made him a figure of awe. During the Horus Heresy, Sanguinius played a crucial role, but it was his final act that immortalized him in the annals of history.


Facing Horus in single combat aboard the Warmaster’s flagship, Sanguinius fought valiantly but was ultimately slain. His death paved the way for the Emperor’s final confrontation with Horus.

Though Sanguinius is no longer among the living, his legacy endures through the Blood Angels, who carry his genetic curse and strive to live up to his example of bravery and sacrifice.

Where is Sanguinius Now?

Sanguinius’s remains are preserved in the Blood Angels’ fortress-monastery on Baal, where they are venerated as holy relics. The chapter continues to draw strength from his memory, using his example to inspire them in their battles against the enemies of the Imperium. The Blood Angels’ commitment to protecting humanity and their fierce loyalty to the Emperor are direct reflections of Sanguinius’s influence.

Jaghatai Khan – The Warhawk

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Current Status

Jaghatai Khan disappeared into the Webway during a raid on the Drukhari. After the Horus Heresy, Khan continued to lead his legion in campaigns across the galaxy, but his final mission took him deep into the labyrinthine tunnels of the Webway. His fate has remained a mystery ever since, with no confirmed sightings or information about his current status.

Jaghatai Khan’s Origins & Early Life

Jaghatai Khan, the Primarch of the White Scars, is a figure of speed, honor, and untamed wilderness. Known as the “Warhawk,” Khan led his legion with the precision and ferocity of a Mongolian horde.

Raised on the windswept steppes of Chogoris, Jaghatai Khan became a master of hit-and-run tactics and mobile warfare. His White Scars were the swift, striking force of the Imperium, always where the enemy least expected them. After the Horus Heresy, Khan disappeared into the webway, chasing after Dark Eldar raiders. His fate remains a mystery, but legends persist that he will return from the shadows when he is most needed.

The White Scars continue to honor Khan’s legacy, and their lightning-fast attacks are a testament to their Primarch’s enduring influence.

Where is Jaghatai Khan Now?

Many theories surround Khan’s fate, ranging from being trapped in the Webway to navigating its treacherous paths. As of now, Jaghatai Khan remains lost to the Webway’s mysteries. Some even believe he is currently held captive by the Drukhari, but they are all rumors floating through the galaxy. His potential return is a source of endless speculation and hope among his legion, and if he were to reappear, it would significantly impact the galaxy’s balance of power.

Corvus Corax – The Raven Lord

Corvus CoraxCurrent Status

After the Horus Heresy, Corax was haunted by the loss and destruction his legion suffered during the Dropsite Massacre on Isstvan V. In a desperate attempt to rebuild his forces, he turned to genetic experimentation, but the results were disastrous. The mutations that afflicted his warriors drove Corax to a deep sense of guilt and self-recrimination.

Ultimately, Corax disappeared into the Eye of Terror, seeking redemption and a way to atone for his perceived failures. His fate has been shrouded in mystery ever since, with only occasional shadowy sightings suggesting that he continues his fight against Chaos from within the Warp.

Corvus Corax’s Origins & Early Life

If Batman were a genetically engineered super-soldier, he would be Corvus Corax. Known as the “Raven Lord,” Corax is the Primarch of the Raven Guard, masters of stealth and guerrilla warfare.

Corax grew up on the prison moon of Lycaeus, where he led a slave revolt against their oppressors. His ability to disappear into the shadows and strike with deadly precision made him a nightmare for his enemies. During the Horus Heresy, the Raven Guard suffered devastating losses, but Corax’s resolve never wavered.

In the aftermath, Corax undertook a mission of vengeance against the traitor legions, vanishing into the Eye of Terror. His fate is shrouded in mystery, but his legend inspires the Raven Guard to continue their covert crusade against the forces of Chaos.

Where is Corvus Corax Now?

Since his disappearance, Corax has mutated into a shadowy warp form, occasionally appearing to aid Imperial forces or attack Chaos positions. His presence is more myth than reality, adding to his enigmatic legend. His exact location and intentions are unknown. His potential return could bring a new dimension to the ongoing struggle between the Imperium and Chaos.

Ferrus Manus – The Gorgon

Ferrus Manus

Current Status

Ferrus Manus, the Primarch of the Iron Hands, was killed during the Dropsite Massacre at Isstvan V. In a tragic duel atop a peak, Ferrus Manus was slain by his brother Fulgrim, marking a significant turning point in the Horus Heresy.

Ferrus Manus’ Origins & Early Life

Ferrus Manus, the Primarch of the Iron Hands, was known for his indomitable will and mastery of technology. Dubbed “The Gorgon,” Ferrus Manus had a pair of metallic hands, a gift from his encounter with a Necron construct.

Ferrus grew up on the world of Medusa, a harsh and unforgiving place that forged his unyielding character. He was a peerless blacksmith, and his Iron Hands legion shared his affinity for bionics and mechanical augmentation. Tragically, Ferrus Manus met his end at the hands of his closest friend, Fulgrim, during the Dropsite Massacre on Isstvan V.

Where is Ferrus Manus Now?

Ferrus Manus was decapitated, and his head is believed to have been kept as a trophy by Fulgrim. His death remains a somber reminder of the cost of betrayal and the relentless pursuit of perfection.

Traitor Primarchs

primarchs 9-16 traitor

All 9 Traitor Primarch Models From Forge World

Horus Lupercal – The Warmaster

New Horus Heresy Expansion 3Current Status

Horus’s betrayal and the subsequent Horus Heresy were cataclysmic events that nearly destroyed the Imperium. His campaign of rebellion culminated in the Siege of Terra, where he was finally confronted by the Emperor aboard his flagship, the Vengeful Spirit. In a titanic battle, Horus mortally wounded the Emperor but was ultimately killed by his father’s psychic might. But not just killed, erased from the galaxy altogether!

Horus Lupercal’s Origins & Early Life

Horus Lupercal, once the most beloved of the Emperor’s sons, is now infamous as the greatest traitor in Imperial history. Known as the “Warmaster,” Horus was the charismatic and ambitious Primarch of the Luna Wolves, later renamed the Sons of Horus.

Raised on the brutal world of Cthonia, Horus quickly proved himself a brilliant strategist and a natural leader. His bond with the Emperor was unmatched, and for a time, it seemed Horus would lead humanity to a golden age. But pride and ambition led Horus astray, and he fell to the seductive whispers of Chaos. The Horus Heresy, the galaxy-spanning civil war that bears his name, saw brother turned against brother, plunging the Imperium into chaos.

In the climactic Battle of Terra, Horus faced the Emperor in single combat. Though he managed to mortally wound his father, the Emperor’s final, desperate blow obliterated Horus’s soul, erasing him from existence. Horus’s legacy is a cautionary tale of ambition, betrayal, and the corrupting power of Chaos.

Where is Horus Now?

Horus’s remains were utterly obliterated by the Emperor’s final strike, leaving nothing behind. Despite this, his influence endures through the Black Legion, the successors to the Sons of Horus. Led by Abaddon the Despoiler, the Black Legion continues Horus’s legacy of rebellion, waging war against the Imperium in a series of Black Crusades.

Lorgar Aurelian – The Zealot

Lorgar AurelianCurrent Status

As a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided, Lorgar’s devotion has been rewarded with immortality and immense power. His transformation has amplified his already formidable psychic abilities and granted him a deep connection to the dark gods he serves. Lorgar’s existence is now one of eternal worship and dark rituals, channeling the will of Chaos across the galaxy.

Lorgar Aurelian’s Origins & Early Life

Lorgar Aurelian, the Primarch of the Word Bearers, is the zealot who traded his faith in the Emperor for devotion to the dark gods of Chaos. Known simply as “The Zealot,” Lorgar was a passionate and charismatic leader whose fall from grace had profound consequences for the galaxy.

Lorgar was raised on Colchis, a world steeped in religious fervor. His innate spirituality led him to worship the Emperor as a god, a notion that was firmly rejected by the Emperor himself. Stung by this rebuke, Lorgar turned his faith towards the Chaos gods, becoming their most devoted servant.

As the architect of the Horus Heresy, Lorgar played a pivotal role in corrupting his brothers and setting the stage for the galaxy’s descent into war. Now a Daemon Prince of Chaos, Lorgar spends his time in contemplation and dark prayer, his mind twisted by his unholy communion with the gods of the Warp.

Where is Lorgar Aurelian Now?

Lorgar resides on Sicarus, a daemon world within the Eye of Terror that serves as the capital of the Word Bearers. This world is a nightmarish reflection of his religious fervor, filled with dark cathedrals, blasphemous rituals, and endless worship of the Chaos Gods. From this stronghold, Lorgar directs his legion and continues to spread the dark faith of Chaos.

Though he rarely leaves Sicarus, Lorgar’s influence is felt across the galaxy. His Word Bearers continue their crusade to convert the masses to the worship of Chaos, using terror, corruption, and dark miracles to achieve their goals. Lorgar’s teachings have also permeated other Chaos legions, spreading his religious zeal and devotion to the dark gods.

Fulgrim – The Phoenician

fulgrimCurrent Status

As a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, Fulgrim’s transformation is both a literal and symbolic representation of his fall from grace. He now possesses a serpentine form with four arms, embodying the hedonistic and corrupting influences of his patron god. His beauty has taken on a twisted, grotesque nature, reflecting the perversion of his once-noble quest for perfection.

Fulgrim’s existence is now one of eternal indulgence. In the Eye of Terror, he revels in the pleasures provided by Slaanesh, his every desire fulfilled in ways that would horrify mortal beings.

Fulgrim’s Origins & Early Life

Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Emperor’s Children, epitomizes the seductive allure and ultimate corruption of Chaos. Known as “The Phoenician,” Fulgrim was a paragon of beauty, perfection, and martial prowess.

Born on the mining world of Chemos, Fulgrim transformed his grim surroundings into a beacon of culture and art. His pursuit of perfection led him to the Emperor, whom he served with distinction. However, Fulgrim’s desire for flawlessness became his undoing. Manipulated by a daemon weapon, Fulgrim fell to the temptations of Slaanesh, the Chaos god of excess and pleasure.

Fulgrim’s betrayal culminated in the brutal murder of his brother, Ferrus Manus, during the Dropsite Massacre. Now a serpentine Daemon Prince, Fulgrim revels in his twisted perfection, leading his Emperor’s Children in hedonistic crusades across the galaxy.

Where is Fulgrim Now?

Fulgrim resides on his own personal daemon world within the Eye of Terror. Here, he holds court in a palace of opulence and decadence, surrounded by sycophants and slaves who cater to his every whim. The world itself is a reflection of Slaanesh’s domain, filled with sights and sounds designed to overwhelm the senses.

Occasionally, Fulgrim emerges from his hedonistic paradise to lead raids or support the endeavors of other Chaos forces. His appearances in real space are rare but devastating. When Fulgrim takes to the battlefield, his presence is a cacophony of sensual overload and lethal prowess. His motivations are often inscrutable, driven by whims and the pursuit of new experiences rather than any strategic goal.

Perturabo – The Lord of Iron


Current Status

Now a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided, Perturabo’s form has been twisted and enhanced by the powers of the Warp. His intellect and strategic acumen have only grown sharper, and he continues to perfect his skills in engineering and warfare. His transformation has made him an even more formidable adversary, combining his tactical genius with the unnatural powers granted by his new status.

Perturabo’s Origins & Early Life

Perturabo, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, is the embittered genius whose strategic brilliance and siegecraft are legendary. Known as the “Lord of Iron,” Perturabo’s intellect was matched only by his bitterness and resentment.

Hailing from the war-torn world of Olympia, Perturabo was a master of fortifications and warfare. His relentless quest for recognition and respect led him down a dark path. Feeling unappreciated by the Emperor and his brothers, Perturabo turned to Chaos, becoming one of Horus’s most trusted lieutenants during the Heresy.

After the Heresy, Perturabo achieved daemonhood, transforming into a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided. From his fortress world in the Eye of Terror, Perturabo continues to wage war, his hatred for the Imperium fueling his every move.

Where is Perturabo Now?

Perturabo resides on Medrengard, a fortress world within the Eye of Terror. Medrengard is a nightmarish reflection of his mastery of fortification and siegecraft, a planet bristling with defenses and dark machinery. Here, Perturabo commands his legion and continues his work on nightmarish projects, often in collaboration with other dark entities such as Vashtorr the Arkifane.

In recent lore, Perturabo has been relatively quiet, focusing on his own dark experiments and the construction of ever more formidable fortresses. However, his influence is felt throughout the galaxy as the Iron Warriors continue their campaigns of terror and destruction. Perturabo’s return to real space is often marked by meticulously planned and executed sieges, leaving devastation in his wake.

Mortarion – The Death Lord

Death Guard Art Mortarion Wal Hor

Current Status

Mortarion, the Primarch of the Death Guard, became a Daemon Prince of Nurgle during the Horus Heresy. His transformation into the Death Lord solidified his allegiance to the Plague God, Nurgle.

Mortarion’s Origins & Early Life

Mortarion, the Primarch of the Death Guard, is the grim and relentless harbinger of decay. Known as the “Death Lord,” Mortarion’s very presence spreads disease and despair. Born on the toxic world of Barbarus, Mortarion grew up under the oppressive rule of necromancers. His deep-seated hatred for psychic powers and his desire to liberate his people shaped his character and his legion.

Despite his initial loyalty to the Emperor, Mortarion’s bitterness and resentment led him to embrace the dark blessings of Nurgle, the Chaos god of decay. Mortarion’s transformation into a Daemon Prince of Nurgle granted him immense power but at the cost of his humanity. Now, he commands the Death Guard to spread plague and corruption across the galaxy.

Mortarion’s current whereabouts are as grim as his name suggests. He continues to serve Nurgle with unwavering devotion, leading the Death Guard in unending campaigns of rot and ruin against the Imperium.

Where is Mortarion Now?

Mortarion currently resides on his plague planet within the Warp, leading the Death Guard in their unending war against the Imperium. His presence in the material universe is marked by disease and decay, embodying Nurgle’s will. Mortarion has led numerous plague-ridden campaigns against the Imperium, particularly targeting the Ultramarines and their territories. His actions are driven by a relentless desire to spread Nurgle’s corruption.

Magnus the Red – The Crimson King


Current Status

As a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, Magnus’s powers have grown exponentially. He embodies the capricious and deceitful nature of his patron god, wielding his psychic abilities with unparalleled skill. Magnus’s form has also changed, reflecting his new status; he is often depicted as a towering, horned figure with crimson skin and a single cyclopean eye.

Magnus The Red’s Origins & Early Life

Magnus the Red, the Primarch of the Thousand Sons, is a tragic figure of immense psychic power and hubris. Known as the “Crimson King,” Magnus was born on the planet of Prospero, a haven for scholars and psykers.

Magnus’s insatiable thirst for knowledge and his mastery of sorcery put him at odds with the Emperor’s edicts against the use of the Warp. When his attempts to warn the Emperor of Horus’s betrayal resulted in catastrophic consequences, Magnus and his Thousand Sons were exiled to the planet of the sorcerers.

Embracing the patronage of Tzeentch, the Chaos god of change and sorcery, Magnus was transformed into a Daemon Prince. He now rules over his daemon world, continuing his quest for knowledge and power while his Thousand Sons follow him into the depths of the Warp.

Where is Magnus The Red Now?

Magnus resides in the Planet of the Sorcerers, a daemon world within the Eye of Terror that serves as the stronghold of the Thousand Sons. This world is a labyrinthine landscape of arcane towers and shifting realities, perfectly suited to Magnus’s mastery of the Warp. From this base, Magnus directs his legion and continues his quest for knowledge and power.

Recently, Magnus has been active in real space, leading his Thousand Sons in various campaigns against the Imperium. His actions are often driven by long-term, complex objectives that are difficult for his enemies to decipher. Whether he is attacking a strategic target or conducting a ritual of immense power, Magnus’s presence on the battlefield is always significant.

Angron – The Red Angel


Current Status

As a Daemon Prince of Khorne, Angron is a monstrous figure of fury and violence. His physical form has been further twisted by the power of Khorne, amplifying his already terrifying presence. The Butchers Nails continue to torment him, driving him into a state of perpetual rage that can only be sated by endless bloodshed.

Angron’s Origins & Early Life

Angron, the Primarch of the World Eaters, is the embodiment of rage and brutality. Known as the “Red Angel,” Angron’s life was defined by endless violence and suffering. Born into slavery on the gladiatorial world of Nuceria, Angron was implanted with the Butcher’s Nails, devices that amplified his aggression and pain.

Rescued by the Emperor against his will, Angron never forgave his father for denying him an honorable death alongside his fellow slaves. This deep-seated resentment and his unending rage made him an easy target for the Chaos god Khorne, the Blood God.

Angron’s transformation into a Daemon Prince of Khorne made him a nearly unstoppable force of destruction. He leads his World Eaters in frenzied assaults, reveling in the slaughter and bloodshed. Angron’s current state is one of perpetual torment, his fury and pain driving him to ever greater acts of violence.

Where is Angron Now?

Angron resides on a daemon world within the Eye of Terror, a realm shaped by the will of Khorne. This world is a reflection of his endless rage, a landscape of eternal warfare where Angron’s fury is unbound. When not engaged in battle, Angron is often locked away within his flagship, his rage too dangerous to be left unchecked.

Despite his imprisonment, Angron is frequently called upon to lead assaults in real space. His appearances are marked by unprecedented levels of violence and destruction. Recently, Angron has been seen leading his World Eaters in several brutal campaigns, leaving a trail of devastation across the galaxy.

Konrad Curze – The Night Haunter

nighthaunter konrad kurze

Current Status

Konrad Curze’s life was marred by his prophetic visions of a dark future, visions that ultimately drove him to madness. His actions during the Horus Heresy were driven by these visions, leading him to embrace the chaos and destruction he believed was inevitable. Curze’s descent into madness culminated in his assassination by a Callidus Assassin named M’Shen, an event he foresaw and welcomed as a release from his tortured existence.

Konrad Curze’s Origins & Early Life

Konrad Curze, the Primarch of the Night Lords, is a figure of terror and madness. Known as the “Night Haunter,” Curze’s life was marked by visions of doom and a relentless pursuit of justice through fear. Born on the crime-ridden world of Nostramo, Curze became a vigilante who imposed his brutal sense of order on the lawless populace.

Curze’s prophetic visions and his dark methods alienated him from his brothers and the Emperor. His descent into madness was inevitable, and he ultimately embraced the chaotic path. During the Horus Heresy, Curze’s Night Lords became infamous for their terror tactics and horrific cruelty.

Curze’s end came at the hands of an Imperial assassin, but his legacy of fear continues. The Night Lords remain a force of terror in the galaxy, carrying on their Primarch’s brutal methods and dark philosophy.

Where is Konrad Curze Now?

Konrad Curze’s remains are preserved as relics by the Night Lords, serving as a grim reminder of their Primarch’s dark legacy. The chapter operates from hidden bases across the galaxy, continuing their campaigns of terror and intimidation. Curze’s teachings on the power of fear and the use of psychological warfare remain central to the Night Lords’ doctrine.

Alpharius Omegon – The Hydra

Alpharius OmegonCurrent Status

Alpharius and Omegon, the twin Primarchs of the Alpha Legion, are shrouded in mystery and misdirection. Alpharius was reportedly killed by Rogal Dorn during the Siege of Terra, while Omegon was later killed by Roboute Guilliman. However, the truth remains elusive due to the nature of the Alpha Legion’s tactics.

Alpharius Omegon’s Origins & Early Life

Alpharius Omegon, the twin Primarchs of the Alpha Legion, are the masters of deception and subterfuge. Known collectively as “The Hydra,” Alpharius and Omegon’s true nature and motives are shrouded in mystery. They were the last Primarchs to be discovered by the Emperor, and their legion operated in the shadows, often employing unconventional and secretive tactics.

The Alpha Legion’s loyalty was always ambiguous, and during the Horus Heresy, they played both sides, sowing confusion and mistrust. After the Heresy, the twins’ fate became even more uncertain, with rumors of their survival persisting in the dark corners of the galaxy. Sometimes they are referred to as two Warhammer 40k primarchs. However, for the official count, there are only 18 known, counting Alpharius as just a single one.  There are two unknown primarchs, making 20 total, that is one of the great mysteries of Warhammer 40k.

Where is Alpharius Omegon Now?

The fate of Alpharius and Omegon remains uncertain despite reports they were both killed because who is Alpharius? The Alpha Legion’s mastery of deception makes it difficult to ascertain whether they are truly dead or operating in the shadows.

The Mystery of the Lost Warhammer 40k Primarchs

sigilite malcador missing legion

Who were the 2nd and 11th 40k Primarchs?

The 2nd and 11th Primarchs are the great unsolved mystery of the Warhammer 40k universe. These enigmatic figures are the Loch Ness Monsters of the lore, often referenced but never fully revealed. According to the official records, there were originally twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor, but the fates of the 2nd and 11th remain shrouded in mystery.

The most tantalizing hint comes from the fact that all records of these Primarchs were expunged from Imperial archives. Some speculate that their legions were so disastrous or their actions so heinous that the Emperor himself ordered their erasure from history. Others believe that they were deemed unfit for command and were quietly disposed of. The truth, however, remains elusive, buried under millennia of secrecy and speculation.

Theories and Speculations

Theories about the Lost Primarchs abound, each one more intriguing than the last. Some fans believe that these Primarchs were particularly rebellious or unstable, leading to their complete annihilation by the Emperor’s own hand. Others suggest that they might have been seduced by the Chaos gods even before the Horus Heresy, necessitating their swift and brutal removal.

One popular theory posits that the 2nd and 11th Primarchs might have been sent on secret missions beyond the known galaxy, never to return. Another theory suggests that they were used as experimental subjects for the Emperor’s more radical genetic modifications, resulting in catastrophic failures.

Despite the lack of concrete information, the mystery of the Lost Primarchs adds an alluring layer of intrigue to the Warhammer 40k lore. It leaves fans with endless possibilities to ponder, fueling countless debates and discussions within the community.

The Physical Stature of the 40k Primarchs

size of the 40k primarchs cover of unremebered empire

The Gigantic Proportions of 40k Primarchs

When we talk about the Warhammer 40k Primarchs, it’s not just their tactical genius or their martial prowess that sets them apart – it’s also their sheer size. These are no ordinary beings; each Primarch towers over even the mighty Space Marines. Most Primarchs are around 12 feet tall, with their robust physiques making them look like walking tanks. Imagine trying to share an elevator with one of these guys – claustrophobia, anyone?

40k Primarchs Comparison with Space Marines and Adeptus Custodes

the solar war

To put it in perspective, a regular Space Marine, already a giant among men, stands about seven to eight feet tall. Adeptus Custodes, the Emperor’s elite guard, is even taller, reaching up to ten feet. Now, picture the Primarchs standing head and shoulders above them. They’re like the skyscrapers of the 41st millennium, designed to inspire awe and terror in equal measure.

Notable Exceptions: Alpharius and Omegon

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Alpharius and his twin, Omegon, are said to be closer in size to regular Space Marines. This allows them to blend in with their troops, keeping their identity shrouded in mystery. It’s like being the CEO but still working on the shop floor—it keeps everyone on their toes!

Daemonic Transformations

fulgrim slaanesh wal hor

Let’s not forget the traitor Primarchs who have ascended to daemonhood. These guys have taken “hit the gym” to a whole new level. Angron, Mortarion, Magnus, and Fulgrim have all grown to monstrous proportions, thanks to the blessings (or curses) of the Chaos Gods. Their new forms are far larger and more intimidating, blending terrifying physical might with dark sorcery.

Primarchs Models & Collectibles in Warhammer 40k & Horus Heresy

Forge World Primarchs

Forge World Resin Models

For the hobbyists and collectors out there, the Primarchs are not just legendary figures in the lore but also prized miniatures on the tabletop. Forge World offers exquisite resin models of all 18 known Primarchs. These models capture the intricate details of their armor, weapons, and larger-than-life personas. They’re like the Mona Lisa of miniatures – but with more skulls and bolters.

Warhammer 40k Primarchs: Models & Miniatures

Lion El’Jonson model warhammer 40k returned lore lion eljonsonIn the main Warhammer 40k line, models are available for Roboute Guilliman and Lion El’Jonson, the loyalist Primarchs who have returned to the current timeline. These models are not just for show – they bring unique abilities and game-changing powers to the battlefield. Imagine playing Monopoly, but suddenly, your piece can wipe out Boardwalk and Park Place in one go.

Lion El’Johnson

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

lion el johnson warhammer 40k box

Check out this incredible miniature for the Dark Angels army! Painters will love all the details and different textures of his robes, armor, and weapons. Players will have a blast unleashing the Lion on the enemies of the Imperium and showing off his dueling skills.

Buy The Lion;s Miniature

Roboute Guilliman

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Roboute Guilliman

Games Workshop 99120102065" Thousand Sons Magnus The Red, Black,12 years to 99 years
  • Thousand Sons Magnus The Red
  • This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Magnus the Red, Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch
  • plastic miniatures
  • This kit comes unpainted and requires assembly

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Roboute Guilliman comes to life in this highly detailed miniature, donning the intricate Armour of Reason adorned with Ultramarines iconography. As the quintessential Space Marine and a legendary leader, this figure perfectly captures his formidable presence and effortless grace.

Buy The Guilliman Miniature

Magnus the Red

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Magnus The Red

Games Workshop 99120102065" Thousand Sons Magnus The Red, Black,12 years to 99 years
  • Thousand Sons Magnus The Red
  • This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Magnus the Red, Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch
  • plastic miniatures
  • This kit comes unpainted and requires assembly

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

This towering winged model definitely matches his power in size. He comes with three different face options—cyclopean, open helm, and closed helm. Decked out in pre-Horus Heresy armor, he also offers a variety of customization choices, including magical tomes, scrolls, and daggers.

Buy Magnus the Red’s Model


Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.


Games Workshop Death Guard Daemon Primarch Mortarion Warhammer 40,000, 5 years to 99 years
336 Reviews
Games Workshop Death Guard Daemon Primarch Mortarion Warhammer 40,000, 5 years to 99 years
  • The third Primarch to be rendered in plastic, and a fantastic centrepiece model.
  • Options for 2 different poses: his scythe in his right hand and lantern in left, or reversed providing a dynamic fighting pose.
  • Covered in grisly details, this is a miniature that provides a huge amount of opportunity for any painter.
  • Capable of easily bringing down an Imperial Knight, definitely worth adding for his strength alone.

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

This towering model makes the term ‘miniature’ seem laughable, as he dwarfs the Death Guard and even gives Bloodthirsters a run for their money! He’s decked out in the baroque Barbaran Plate, dripping with rust and rot, adorned with skulls, spikes, and Nurgle symbols on every chunky piece.

Buy The Mortarion Minaiture


Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

AngronThis towering warrior stands head and shoulders above most battlefield miniatures, even his own berserk World Eaters. He’s armed with the massive chainaxe, Spinegrinder, and the brutal, rune-etched daemon sword, Samni’arius – both stylishly chained to his wrists in classic Nucerian fashion.

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

His twisted form is decked out with grisly trophies and World Eaters iconography, while a barbed club-tail whips behind him, all under the shadow of his menacing spiked wings.

Buy The Angron Miniature

Warhammer 40k Primarchs Pricing and Availability

The pricing of these models varies, with some, like Angron, Mortarion, and Magnus, retailing for around $170 (£100). Meanwhile, Guilliman and Lion El’Jonson models are slightly more affordable at $70 (£42.50). Availability can be a bit of a hunt – much like tracking down rare Pokémon – but the thrill of the chase is part of the Warhammer experience.

The New JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Primarchs Action Figures

JOYTOY Ultramarines Primarch Roboute Guilliman

Introduction to JOYTOY’s Warhammer 40k Primarchs Line

If you’ve ever dreamed of having a Primarch on your desk or bookshelf, JOYTOY has made those dreams come true. Known for their high-quality action figures, they have recently expanded into the Warhammer 40k universe and now even offer the Primarchs.  This new line of action figures brings these iconic characters to life in a way that’s perfect for both collectors and fans.

Pricing and Availability for JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Primarchs

joytoy primarchs to buy

These figures are priced to reflect their premium quality, generally ranging from $100 to $150. Given their intricate design and the sheer cool factor, they’re worth every penny for collectors and fans alike. They’re available through various online retailers, as well as specialty hobby stores.

But be quick – these figures are hot commodities and tend to sell out faster than you can say “Horus Heresy.”

Horus, The Warmaster

Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or |eBay| This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.
Horus JOYTOY warhammer 40k primarchs

JOYTOY Warhammer The Horus Heresy 30k 1/18 Action Figure Sons of Horus Warmaster Horus Primarch of The XVlth Legion Collection Model Birthday Gifts Pre-Order
  • 【Pre-Order Items】This item will arrive in stock in At the end of July 2024,which finally depends on the manufacturer.
  • 【Unique Gift】 This action figure will be a thrilling gift for yourself, action figure lovers & collectors. Recommend for 15 years old and above.【Limited quantities available】
  • 【Fully Articulated】 The action figure is highly articulated with a fully poseable head, arms, and legs. It can reach many different desirable poses.
  • 【Premium Sci-fic Design】 We made the action figure with craftsman spirits to achieve a more realistic effect like vintage paint and war-damaged war effect.
  • 【Game-based Inspired Accessories】 This Sons of Horus action figure with high-performance locomotives comes with more entertainment-inspired accessories that make a great addition to any Warhammer30,000(30K) ,JOYTOY collection.

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Horus the Warmaster is depicted at the peak of his glory, brandishing the Warmaster’s Talon and the mighty power maul, Worldbreaker. He’s clad in a distinctive suit of Terminator armor called the Serpent’s Scales, looking every bit the legend he is.

Buy Horus The Warmaster’s Action Figure

Roboute Guilliman

Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or |eBay| This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

JOYTOY 40k Guilliman warhammer 40k primarchs

JOYTOY 7-inch Warhammer 40K 1/18 Action Figure, Ultramarines Primarch Roboute Guilliman Collection, Gift for Action Figure Lovers & Collectors Above 15 Years Old
  • 【Premium Sci-fic Design】 We made the action figure with craftsman spirits to achieve a more realistic effect like vintage paint and war-damaged war effect.
  • 【Exquisite Vintage Packaging】This is something that no one can resist to open with great expectations and happiness.
  • 【Unique Gift】 This action figure will be a thrilling gift for yourself, action figure lovers & collectors. Recommend for 15 years old and above.
  • 【Fully Articulated】 The action figure is highly articulated with a fully poseable head, arms, and legs. It can reach many different desirable poses.
  • 【Game-based Inspired Accessories】 This Ultramarine action figure with high-performance locomotives comes with more entertainment-inspired accessories that make a great addition to any Warhammer40,000(40K) ,JOYTOY collection.

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Standing a cut above the Primaris Space Marines, this towering model is a spectacle of detail. Decked out in the Armour of Fate, he’s got intricate filigree patterns, sculpted aquilæ, purity seals, skulls, and Ultramarine Chapter icons covering every inch.

Buy Guilliman’s Action Figure

Lion El’Jonson

Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or |eBay| This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Lion JOYTOY warhammer 40k primarchs

JOYTOY WARHAMMER 40,000 1/18 Action Figure 7.08-Inch Dark Angels Primarch Lion ElJonson Collection Model Christmas Birthday Gifts
  • 【Unique Gift】 This action figure will be a thrilling gift for yourself, action figure lovers & collectors. Recommend for 15 years old and above.
  • 【Fully Articulated】 The action figure is highly articulated with a fully poseable head, arms, and legs. It can reach many different desirable poses.
  • 【Premium Sci-fic Design】 We made the action figure with craftsman spirits to achieve a more realistic effect like vintage paint and war-damaged war effect.
  • 【Exquisite Vintage Packaging】This is something that no one can resist to open with great expectations and happiness.
  • 【Game-based Inspired Accessories】This Dark Angels action figure with high-performance locomotives comes with more entertainment-inspired accessories that make agreat addition to any JOYTOY collection.

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

This jaw-dropping figure perfectly captures the legendary status of a Primarch. Striding over battlefield rubble in ornate, knightly armor, it’s decked out with personal heraldry and the symbols of the Dark Angels.

Buy The Lion’s Action Figure

Rogal Dorn

Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or |eBay| This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Rogal Dorn Joytoy Reveal warhammer 40k primarchs


This exceptionally detailed figure perfectly befits Dorn’s status. His auric armor is covered in beautifully sculpted details, featuring multiple Imperial Eagle motifs. His bare head, set in a determined scowl, is framed by an eagle crest, and a large cloak billows dramatically behind him.

Buy Rogal Dorn’s Action Figure

Leman Russ

Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys | Locker ToysEntertainment EarthSideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or |eBay| This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Leman Russ JOYTOY warhammer 40k primarchs

JOYTOY1/18 Warhammer The Horus Heresy Action Figure Space Wolves Leman Russ Primarch of The VIth Legion Collection Model Birthday Gift Pre-Order 7.09 inch
  • 【Pre-Order Items】This item will arrive in stock in At the end of June 2024,which finally depends on the manufacturer.
  • 【Unique Gift】 This action figure will be a thrilling gift for yourself, action figure lovers & collectors. Recommend for 15 years old and above.【Limited quantities available】
  • 【Fully Articulated】 The action figure is highly articulated with a fully poseable head, arms, and legs. It can reach many different desirable poses.
  • 【Premium Sci-fic Design】 We made the action figure with craftsman spirits to achieve a more realistic effect like vintage paint and war-damaged war effect.
  • 【Game-based Inspired Accessories】 This Space Wolves action figure with high-performance locomotives comes with more entertainment-inspired accessories that make a great addition to any Warhammer40,000(40K) ,JOYTOY collection.

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Leman Russ shows up, brandishing the legendary sword Mjalnar and the epic frost axe Helwinter, forged with the deadly kraken-teeth from a beast he personally took down. He’s decked out in some next-level custom power armor featuring one-of-a-kind exothermic field generators that the Imperium’s tech wizards haven’t even dreamt of.

Buy Leman Russ’s Action Figure

Magnus The Red

Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or eBay | This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

JOYTOY Thousand Sons 10

Magnus the Red, the towering sorcerer-king of the Thousand Sons, now immortalized as a JoyToy action figure. Standing at an imposing 8.7 inches (22cm), this 1:18 scale figure is a masterpiece of detail and articulation. Crafted from upgraded ABS and PVC plastic, Magnus is as tough as he is magical.

JOYTOY 1/18 Action Figure Warhammer 30K The Horus Heresy Thousand sons Magnus The Red Primarch of The XVth Legion Collection Model Birthday Gifts 8.66 inch Pre-Order
  • 【Pre-Order Items】This item will arrive in stock in At the end of September 2024,which finally depends on the manufacturer.
  • 【JOYTOY Brand, Unparalleled Quality】Crafted by the renowned JOYTOY brand, this action figure toy guarantees unparalleled quality. Each detail is carefully executed, ensuring a superior collecting experience.
  • 【Precise Recreation, Capturing the Essence】Faithfully capturing the characters and scenes from the Warhammer 40,000 universe, this JOYTOY action figure brings the iconic imagery to life in a breathtaking way.
  • 【Premium Materials, Safe and Durable】Constructed from environmentally friendly, non-toxic materials, this figure not only ensures safety but also durability. Enjoy your collection for years without worrying about wear and tear.
  • 【Stunning Packaging, Perfect for Gifts】Complete with an elegant packaging, this JOYTOY action figure is a perfect gift for friends and family, or a must-have addition to your own collection. Plus, we offer a 90-day after-sales service guarantee for your peace of mind.

Last update on 2024-07-29 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Equipped with a variety of weapons and accessories, Magnus the Red is ready to dominate any battlefield—or your display shelf. His crimson armor gleams with intricate designs, and every joint is fully articulated, so you can pose him in all his arcane glory.

Buy Magnus The Red’s Action Figure

Perfect for Display and Play

JOYTOY multishot Lion El'Jonson warhammer 40k primarchsWhether you’re a hardcore Warhammer 40k hobbyist or a casual fan looking to add some flair to your collection, JOYTOY’s Primarch action figures are a perfect choice. They offer a blend of display-worthy detail and playability, making them suitable for any setting. Display them on your shelf, pose them in epic battle scenes, or just admire the craftsmanship – these figures are sure to be a hit.

Warhammer 40k Primarchs: Bringing it All Together

warhammer 40k primarchs traitors

In Warhammer 40k, the Primarchs stand as towering figures whose actions have shaped the destiny of the galaxy. From the noble Loyalist Primarchs who strive to uphold the Emperor’s vision to the tragic Traitor Primarchs who succumbed to the dark temptations of Chaos, their stories are filled with heroism, betrayal, and complex moral dilemmas. Overall, the Primarchs of Warhammer 40k provide insight into the vast scale and allure of the game’s lore.

Here are the latest updates from the Warhammer 40k universe and tabletop game!

Who is your favorite of the Primarchs in Warhammer 40k? Will you be picking up any of the models?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!