Primaris Heavy Intercessors & Flayed Ones: Unboxing

Heavy Intercessors Unboxing rThe kits from the Pariah Nexus box have finally come out separately, check Rob’s thoughts on the Primaris Heavy Intercessors and Flayed Ones!

We’re back unboxing the new Necron and Space Marine contents all separately, including the characters! Rob sees what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the cost. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Primaris Heavy Intercessors & Flayed Ones: Unboxing

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UnboxingThese are the four kits we’re going to take a look at today, and they were a little more expensive than we predicted them to be. With the Heavy Intercessors clocking in at $60 and the Flayed Ones at $50. So that’s unfortunate, considering we thought they would all be cheaper (why would we think that?). The Chronomancer and Captain both come in at $35. These were allocated as well, with the Necrons getting the worst of it, so grab them where you can.

The Space Marines Instructions and Sprues

Pariah Nexus Sprues 3


Pariah Nexus Sprues 4The Heavy Intercessor kit is fairly similar to the normal guys with just a few more bits. Overall though the bits look great, have a ton of detail, and nothing looks too terrible to build.  The Captain sprue is pretty small but does look very dynamic.

Pariah Nexus InstructionsThe Captain looks fairly easy to build other than the right leg. It doesn’t really lock into the hip, so that could be a problem. The Heavy Intercessors also don’t look very hard to build either and do have a decent amount of options.

Heavy Intercessors InstructionsThe heavy gunners have three different options for their guns, but that does make the parts small, so could be a little hard to work with. They also give you a bunch of extras like grenades, holstered weapons, and auspex.

Heavy Intercessors 

built Heavy Intercessor

built Heavy Intercessor 3


built Heavy Intercessor 2There’s no denying these are some cool minis! The two things you really need to watch out for are the tubes going into the backpack, which took a while to get right, and the heads. Not all the heads can look forward on all the bodies, so be sure to look at what heads go to which minis.

built Heavy Intercessor 4This guy you can either give him the fist or fingers out arm. But since his head wasn’t as sliced, you can have him looking either way.

Heavy Intercessor size comparisonThey aren’t that much bigger than the normal dudes but are a little bulkier and thicker.


Heavy Intercessor Captain


Heavy Intercessor Captain 2The Captain is very dynamic and overall looks cool! The only issue with him was the cape doesn’t fit together perfectly, so be sure to fill that gap for a better paint job. He also doesn’t have many options, so this is pretty much what you’ll get with him.

Heavy Intercessor Captain size comparisonNothing crazy here, as he’s about the same size as the Captain from Indomitus.

Necrons Sprues & Instructions

Pariah Nexus Sprues 2The Flayed One’s sprue is pretty small and a little disappointing in terms of bits but they do look very detailed. But when the new box comes out, these could very well have ten Flayed Ones in the kit.

Necron SpruesThe Chronomancer sprue is pretty simple with a front and back that snap together. Still, the bits look highly detailed.

Pariah Nexus Instructions 2Luckily, this Chronomancer looks fare easier to build than the previous Necron guy as it all looks to slot in fairly easily. The mini also comes with multiple head options and some hand options.

Necron InstructionsThe Flayed Ones, look fairly fiddly and very thin. So Rob recommends using the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement since it won’t just go everywhere if you put too much on. Rob is a little worried about how long they will take, there are just so many small parts, but we’ll see!

Flayed Ones

Built Flayed One 3


Built Flayed OneThey are a little fiddly, but they went together way better than Rob expected! While some of the parts were a little annoying, it wasn’t nearly as terrible as he thought they would be. Overall Rob is very impressed with the minis. Obviously, they aren’t ETB, so they will have some mold lines to trim.

Flayed one Size comparisonThey are basically the same size as the Warriors, but we expected that.


Built Chronomancer


Built Chronomancer 2The Chronomancer went together fairly easily, so another welcome surprise.

Chronomancer size ComparisonAbout the same size as the Psychomancer and just way, way easier to build!


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What do you think of the boxes? Will you be picking any of them up?

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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.