Space Marines Storm Speeder & Rules CONFIRMED

previews-speeder hammer strikeThe rumors were true, Primaris Space Marines are getting a new speeder- check out all the variants and rules for the Storm Speeder!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW The Future of Codexes Preview

GW The Future of Codexes Preview

Want to learn more about what you can look forward to in the new Warhammer 40,000 codexes? Set a reminder for this Saturday to catch your first solid look at the new Space Marines and Necrons books, find out what’s coming next, and witness a few more miniatures reveals for good measure! 

All the New Codex Previews

Here’s the latest codex reveals and more for Warhammer 40k! Be sure to see how these previews match up to what left to release on the GW Roadmap and the remaining Rumor Engine teasers.

Primaris Speeder Rumors

primaris units rumor pic 1If you look at this old rumored picture back from 2019, you can see a perfect matchup of the revealed Gladiator tank in the bottom left. There are also the new Indomitus Outriders in the top right. On that note, that means there could also be a Primaris Land Speeder-looking model around the corner as well.

space marine table of contentsThis is a mix of units we’ve had for years as well as units we’ve never even heard of. Go through each column slowly and you may notice a “Storm Speeder”…

Space Marines Storm Speeder & Rules CONFIRMED


patreon get 10 miniatures crisp (includes the Primaris Lietantant or Necron Overlord)

Stormstike speeder 1

There’s no questioning it, that pixelated image we saw back in 2019 is right here! There will be three loadout variants, so let’s check them out.

Storm Speeder hail strikeAs the option containing the minigun style turret its fair to assume this is going to be the anti-troop option with more shots at lower damage and rend then the others.

Storm Speeder THunderstrikeThe Thunderstrike ditches the minigun for a heavier gun and a new top turret. Perhaps offering a slightly heavier, anti-armor option, without going all in.

Storm speeder hammer strikeAnd the last of the Strom speeders is the Hammerstrike. Luckily for us, we actually saw this one’s datasheet so we don’t even have to guess what it might do!

storm speeder hammerstrike datasheetPretty standard speeder with good movement, an okay stat line (for a lightly armored vehicle), and great weapons. It appears to be the heaviest of the three options, and the weapon load-outs support that. Two shots at S8 AP -3 and 3 Damage is a slugfest in the making, no to mention the Melta Destroyer giving it three more shots instead at AP -4 and D6 damage with +2 damage at half range.

My Xenos soul just took D6 damage hearing that…

There’s also a very minor hint at Ravenwing suggesting that the vehicles will get their Chapter Tactic mark. Perhaps Ravenwing will have a special Vehicle focused Tactic? As it should be!

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Are you excited for the Space Marines Storm Speeder, and its previewed rules? Do any of the loadout kits suit your needs?

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