Prime Legionaries Bionic Arms From Kromlech!

Bionic arms featureThe Prime Legionaries’ Bionic Arms from Kromlech will set your marines apart in no time and make them stronger than ever before!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis, terrain, and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking into.

This time though, we’ll be focusing on a perfect release for all you Space Marine players out there. They have a full line of legionary bits, so even if the bionic arms aren’t up your alley, they have way more than this! If you’re looking for legion-specific bits, you can check those out here

They also have tons of bits that are great for 40k and fantasy, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something else you would love. Be sure to go check out their site after you see these pieces. For now, though, let’s check out the arms! 

Prime Legionaries Bionic Arms: $10.14

Bionic armsThese bionic arms are a great alternative to the standard ones and will make your marines look more daunting out on the battlefield! There is a pretty good mix of both left and right arms, so you don’t have to be limited in your poses.

If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out everything else they have been releasing here as well!

Bionic arms 2Obviously, these are for a certain larger style of Marine. Here’s what they have to say about the arms:

This set contains 10 high-quality resin Prime Legionaries Bionic Arms, which may be used to represent battle-hardened veterans of Prime Legions.
Designed to fit heavily armored troopers in a 28mm heroic scale. 

That does it for this one; now go get some awesome bits and upgrade your marines so they stand out on the tabletop or shelf!

Get Your Kromlech Bits Here!