Prospero Lives On: How to Paint Thousand Sons Candy Red

By Shaun Moran | February 7th, 2017 | Categories: How To Tutorial, OPN, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

ahriman 30k scarab 900

Our friend OrcPainterNerd over at Goblin Gaming has a fresh new tutorial on how to paint Pre Heresy Thousand Sons in a gorgeous metallic red scheme!

These awesome Thousand Sons Scarab Occult Pre Heresy Terminators are the final result of OrcPainterNerd’s (aka Shaun Moran) latest tutorial.  He takes you through each and every step of the process, explaining how and why he chose each paint.

Finished Product Thousand Sons

Scarab Occult Terminators were once the finest psykers in the Thousand Sons Legion, bodyguards to Magnus the Red himself. Reduced to dust along with their brethren, they now possess only an echo of their previous intellect. They stride into battle at the behest of their sorcerous masters, advancing with an eerie, stoic calm; clad in ornate armour, they bear down on the foe in near-silence until their weaponry is unleashed.

Tartaros patter terminators are available from Forgeworld or in plastic via the Prospero Burns Boxed Set

Of these, the Indomitus pattern is perhaps the most widespread, due to its template being held on key Forge Worlds such as Mars, although Tartaros Pattern Terminator armour is also issued to the Veterans of a Chapter’s 1st Company. Perhaps the most advanced form of Tactical Dreadnought Armour, the Tartaros pattern shares many systems with the MkIV ‘Maximus’ pattern of power armour, and provides greater mobility for its wearer than the Indomitus pattern with no loss in durability or protection.

Testing Sprue

He covers the importance of using test sprues to make sure your paints layer how you think they will.  Shaun loves the Alclad II line of airbrush paints.  Check out the video link below for his commentary!

If you’re interested in purchasing some for yourself, they can be acquired here!

Candy Red Close Up

Isn’t that an awesome Red?!  I want to try this myself next time I paint some Pre Heresy Thousand Sons!

Check out the whole video here!