Q&A Seminar News Updates From Fest 2018

space marine wal hor wide

We have a compilation of all sorts of news from the various seminar Q&A’s that happened over the weekend at Warhammer Fest. Don’t miss the latest hobby updates.

So much happened over the weekend at Warhammer Fest 2018, we went back and checked all our feeds and messages from our friends in the trenches at the event to get you the following updates on all the big reveals!

Collected from various sources including James Martin, Garro’s Facebook, Sablenah, and more.

Q&A Seminar News Updates

Blood Bowl & Necromunda

  • Dark elves are next for Bloodbowl, as shown at the event. Mix of witches and corsairs in design.
  • Necromunda will not have non-human gangs.
Age of Sigmar
    • Stormcast Eternals and Nnighthaunts both getting battletomes shortly after 2.0 edition in June
    • New Stormcast chamber is all magic users.
    • AoS 2nd edition is in June, with Generals Handbook launching at the same time (per FAQ). Will have community site content every day until launch like 40k 8th edition did.
    • Gortek is coming back to AoS. He is being voiced by Brian blessed (not joking, they shared an audio clip)
    • Skaven battletome is in progress


adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

Adeptus Titanicus

  • Adeptus Titanicus launches in August.
  • 5mm X 1mm magnets for Warlord Arms (3/16″)
  • Price “in line with starter sets”. So $160 US?

Warhammer 40k 

  • Imperial Knights haven’t been shown anywhere yet. But they said they are very close. So after the stuff in WD but before the AoS stuff in late June.
  • Fires of Cyraxus is likely end of year or start of next – it’s being converted to 8th still,  Adeptus Custode Imperial Armor will be out first!
  • Dreadnaught drop pod. Doors have magnet holes (and doors will fit lol)
  • Necron construct will get a name before release. The designer said he had an idea to keep it vague whether it was a construct or a vehicle, so used design elements of both. Doesn’t know if that will make it into the published lore

Coupled with all the other updates we put out over the weekend, this may be about all the information to be gleaned about the hobby you love from Games Workshop. At least, for now, that is.

Now it’s all eyes forward to the summer releases and July 15th for the Forge World open day!

What did you think of Warhammer Fest 2018 weekend? Check out the latest updates on Facebook and let us know what you think!

warhammer fest 2018Latest from Warhammer Fest 2018