Ragnar Blackmane 40k Rules & Points Costs SPOTTED

Ragnar BlackmaneHere’s the new Ragnar Blackmane 40k rules along with his updated Primaris model! Check out the latest on the new rules for Saga of the Beast!

Spotted making rounds across the web, it looks like the new Primaris Ragnar Blackmane datasheet has finally surfaced. We even heard earlier rumors mentioning a few stats and rules and now we can look back to see just how close they were.

Ragnar Blackmane 40k Rules & Points Costs SPOTTED



ragnar space wolves primaris 2


ragnar space wolves primaris 3

To give you the best look at all the changes, we’ll be going over all the tweaks for Ragnar using his non-Primaris profile as a baseline.

ragnar current stats


ragnar blackmane primaris rulesLooking at his base stats alone, he’s gotten +1 Wound and +2 Attacks. On top of that, Frostfang got +1 Strength and  +1 bonus damage, perfect for melting through Primaris armor. 

Now Ragnar still being Ragnar, he’s got all the bells and whistles he had before. The Belt of Russ is still giving him a 4++. War Howl still gives a charge reroll aura. Etc. Etc. However, probably one of the biggest changes to Ragnar is his new Berserker Rage rule. Shock Assault normally gives you +1 attack on the charge, but this man is extra angry and adds +3 to his attacks. That brings him to a whopping 10 S6 -4 AP 2 Damage attacks on the charge. 

Ragnar points costs are 120 pts

primaris impulsorAs you might also expect, he’s still got all the right keywords including Primaris now. We can see a little wrecking ball strategy with this guy being loaded into an Impulsor with some other Primaris and zipping up the board to clear out enemy Infiltrators/Intercessors.

Don’t forget that he can get bonus attacks as well when the timing is right as well from Savage Fury:

space wolves doctrine savage furySpace Wolves are another Chapter whose rules don’t “turn on” until the third turn. Looking at their doctrine bonus, they get exploding 6’s to hit in their update. Unfortunately, it’s just an unmodified 6 to hit which means their Chapter Tactic won’t play much of a roll to help at all.

Or you can always play Touch of the Wild to speed things up a bit as well.

space wolves stratagem touch of the wild

You can basically net 50% bonus hits for whatever your character would normally connect with. With that said, Ragnar gets 10 attacks on the charge. Just pop this strat and you could be looking at a potential 15 hits or more if you roll right.

What do you think of Ragnar’s new rules? Will he be the auto-include Smash Captain equivalent for Space Wolves? 

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