Raven Guard Codex Rules, Stratagems & More REVEALED

raven guard wal hor title

Raven Guard are here and bringing a totally different play style from any of the other Chapter previews we’ve seen. Take a look at how these guys wage war.

Iron Hands were of the first batch of Chapter previews in this wave. However, now it’s the Raven Guard’s time to shine! Iron Hands may play with a very brutal hammer & anvil style, but the Raven Guard specializes in precision strikes. Take a closer look at what Warhammer Community has revealed!

Raven Guard Chapter Tactic

raven guard ct 2019

Just to familiarize yourself with their new rules, they get a cover save at over 12″ away. And if they’re standing in cover already and not a Vehicle, they also proc a bonus -1 to hit! Not too shabby!

Now with this rule in mind, check out how the Raven Guard will be playing once their supplement drops.

Tactical Doctrine Bonus: Surgical Strikes

raven guard surgical strikes

Raven Guard get all of the Doctrines. However, if they have the Tactical Doctrine active, they also get a nifty bonus. Raven Guard units will be able to add 1 to hit and wound rolls against Character units. Now this might not seem too great because characters are usually hidden behind enemy lines.

However, bringing units of Scouts with snipers, they’ll be able to hit the character on a 2+ and proc a mortal wound on a 5+ (assuming it’s a regular T4 character they’re shooting). Note: the sniper does NOT say “an unmodified wound roll of a 6+ causes a mortal wound”.  This means that you’ll be able to pop heads even easier.

After reading that it’s no wonder Eliminators are releasing along with this wave of Space Marine supplements.

Shadowmaster Warlord Trait & Ravens Fury Relic

raven guard warlord trait

Raven Guard will also be able to bring a pseudo-Angel’s Wing rule to the table with the Shadowmaster Warlord Trait. Your Warlord can charge in and can’t be targetted by any overwatch. But when combined with this relic, things get even better…

raven guard relic

Taking Shadowmaster on your Warlord while also giving him a relic jump pack called Raven’s Fury, you’ll be able to negate overwatch, charge after advancing, re-roll charges, (notice that it doesn’t say failed charges), AND do a mortal wound on a 4+.

This besides the +2 to round, this Warlord Trait/relic combo seems better than the BA Smash Captain we all know and love.

Raven Guard Psychic Shenanigans

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Adding even more speed to the army, you’ll be able to pick up a character within 18″ of your Psyker and fling them down the board turn 1 on a roll of a 7. If you make a Raven Guard Smash Captain and need him in a spot quickly, your Librarian can give him a quick boost!

Fall Back & Charge Strat

raven guard false light stratagem

To keep your army fluid, Raven Guard are getting a 2 CP strat that lets them fall back, shoot, and charge. That’s adding two phases of the game back to a unit that normally would be completely out of commission. That seems extremely useful. 

raven guard contents

24 pages of new rules look to make up the latest supplement to be revealed.

Overall, the Raven Guard are looking to be a mobile-precision striking army. From ignoring phases of the game with a stratagem to being able to beat down characters with Doctrine abilities, Raven Guard look to be real threat to stationary armies.

New Space Marines Prices & Lineup CONFIRMED!

raven-guard-new-releases-space-marines-iron-handsNew Iron Hands, Raven Guard, and Primaris models and supplements are on the way for next week. Check out the lineup and pricing latest. Read More

Will you be taking a Battalion of Raven Guard snipers now? Would a BA Smash Captain or Raven Guard Smash Captain win in a mirror match? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!