Record Your Casual Warhammer Games With Best Coast Pairings

BCPYou can now record your casual games with Best Coast Pairings too! No need to just try and remember who you beat and why anymore.

Best Coast Pairings has not been idle during the downtime in tournaments. They have revamped their infrastructure and have just come out with some really cool new features! You can now record all of the games you play in a casual or tournament setting. It’s not just 40k or Aos either, they will soon be releasing a whole host of games so you can record everything you play.

This is a really cool feature to keep track of all your games and how you have been performing. They will also be coming out with another feature soon to send in your games to them so they can compile what’s happening in the meta. This will hopefully help people see how the meta is moving in a more casual setting. And of course, the more data out there the better we can see how certain factions are actually performing.

Record Your Casual Games With Best Coast Pairings

Record your casual gamesYou click on the d20 icon to get into your games. Again, they will soon have out functionality for a ton of different game systems to record everything.

Best coast PairingsOnce you get into it, you put in the info for both players, game system, type of game, and can even name all of your games. If Rob wins he’s obviously cheating, so the title of this one only makes sense.

Type of game BCPYou can quickly and easily put in the points for each turn and what you are scoring points for. It’s very easy to use and a nice way to track what your army does well and where you need to improve.

Recorded GamesOnce you get through it all, you can go back in and see your progress through all of your games. Robert seems to be the far superior player over Rob, that’s for sure!

If you aren’t on BCP, you can get some big discounts when you sign up today, exclusive to Spikey Bits Readers! Check out the deals they have running right now below, or check out the deals in more depth.






Subscription Benefits

Unlocks access to these premium features.

  1. Expanded search
  2. Complete event history
  3. Viewing of every submitted list
  4. Exclusive rewards program
  5. 1000pts added monthly to active subscriber accounts redeemable for 5 & 10% discounts on tickets sold through BCP and in partner webcarts

Auto-renews based on the billing period selected

No existing features will be lost

Points are only accrued during an active subscription

This is a great deal on the most trusted app for competitive tournament play.  

Visit BCP’s site to get this deal today!

Will you be recording your casual games this year? Do you think all the extra data could make the meta easier to read?

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