Jump in the Cat Tub Time Machine and set the clock to 2008 because we’re revisiting Apocalypse Reload, and all the BIG models from Warhammer 40k!
This book came out about a year after the first Apocalypse book was unleashed upon the hobby community and the amazing super bundle deals that came along with it. The first book really set the game on fire.
A year later Games Workshop repeated that success by offering nearly the same bundle deals when it unleashed Reload.One thing I really loved was that they had Datasheets for custom things. Nowadays, we get custom sheets for everything but back then we had sheets for things that weren’t on offered from GW.
You can see the variants for the Baneblade which was released in the year prior. We saw the precursor to formations in here as well.
One of the magical things about this time period was the ability to download data sheets for stuff you had to make yourself like like titans, Capital Imperialis, and the scratch built Plague Tower.
You’ll notice that for the Daemons the had the Tetragon of Darkness formation which was a lot like what we saw in the Curse of the Wulfen. I think that’s really cool and you can see how far we’ve blurred the lines between 40k and Apocalypse.
Apocalypse has over time, kind of turned into unbound 7th edition, you don’t really need an extra book like this. Now everything just works together… which either good or bad depending on how you look at it.
If you have access to this book I’d recommend you check it out. I’m sure you can find this on eBay. Of course if you’re going that far I’d recommend you pick up the previous version as well.
For the full scoop hit the link and check out the video below!