Clutch City GT: Suprising Top 40k Tournament Army Lists

meta orks warhammer 40k painted ghazghkull army lists

Don’t miss the top Warhammer 40k tournament army lists featuring Imperial Knights, Orks, and Eldar from the Clutch City GT.

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand

Final Standings:

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which 40k factions’ playstyles and army lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our expert commentary on their selections. 

Studying these winning army lists for their tactical synergies can provide great insights for your strategic approach to playing since the latest balance dataslate rules changes and points updates. If you want to elevate your game even further, consider applying to Team USA to compete at the World Team Championships each year!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. Click this special promo link to save $20 on a year’s subscription to BCP.

Clutch City GT 2025 top 8


1st Place: Alberto Nicolas – Orks Army Lists

orks Warhammer 40k hor wal

The Orks may be known for their love of smashing things and yelling “WAAAGH!” at the top of their lungs, but at the Clutch City GT, they showed they’ve got more to them than just brute force. With a combination of tough-as-nails units and just enough firepower to make opponents sweat, this list had the kind of versatility that made it a standout. Let’s take a look at what made this Ork army such a winner.

Alberto Nicolas 1

Leading the charge is a Mek, who, true to form, is all about getting the war machines running and making sure the Big Green Machine keeps rolling. With two Warbosses thrown into the mix—one even in Mega Armor for added punch—you’ve got a leadership group that is ready to throw down. The Warbosses, full of charm and aggression, get the boyz fired up and ready to charge.

Transport? You bet. Three Trukks and a Battlewagon are ready to move the Orks around the battlefield in style. These aren’t just glorified taxis; they provide some protection while racing across the field, getting those important melee threats into position, and making sure the Warbosses have the mobility they need to get where the action’s hot.

Alberto Nicolas 2

Speaking of melee threats, three Breaka Boyz squads are the ones to call when it’s time to crash into enemy lines. With their signature weapons, they’re built for close combat, ready to tear through anything that gets in their way. If you think the Orks only want to crush things with their fists, think again. They’ve got the tools for a little more finesse in the fight.

Alberto Nicolas 3

While the Breaka Boyz bring the melee power, two units of Flash Gitz make sure the Orks have plenty of ranged firepower as well. You wouldn’t expect Orks to be precision shooters, but Flash Gitz know how to bring the hurt from afar. Their guns are big, loud, and they make a statement when they fire—perfect for popping some heavy targets or causing chaos across the battlefield.

What’s an Ork army without a little chaff to cause distractions? Two units of Gretchin may not seem like much, but they’re absolutely fantastic at soaking up shots and slowing down enemy units. When you need to screen your more valuable units, these little gits are just what you need to give the big guys the breathing room to do their thing.

And let’s not forget the Meganobz. These walking tanks are the heavy hitters of the army. With their durability and brutal power, they’re ready to dish out the pain and take a few hits in the process. When you need something to go through enemy lines and keep going, these are the Orks to call.

Alberto Nicolas 4

On top of all that, two units of Stormboyz add even more mobility to the army. These guys are the fast movers—flinging themselves into the sky and landing wherever they’re needed most. Whether it’s to harass enemy backlines or secure an objective, they get around quickly and cause all kinds of headaches for anyone who thinks they’re safe.

Finally, no Ork list would be complete without a little bit of anti-armor firepower, and that’s where the three units of Tankbustas come in. These guys are specialists in blowing up vehicles, and they’ve got the tools to make even the toughest armor regret getting too close to the Ork horde. When it’s time to pop some tanks and destroy heavy hitters, the Tankbustas are the go-to squad.

2nd Place: Erik Nelson – Eldar / Aeldari Army Lists

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Erik Nelson eldar 1


Erik Nelson eldar 2


Erik Nelson eldar 3


Erik Nelson eldar 4

3rd Place: Jason Weeks – Imperial Knights Army Lists

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Jason Weeks 1


Jason Weeks 2


Jason Weeks 3

Final Thoughts on Army Lists: Clutch City GT

table tournament warhammer 40k players engaged

The Clutch City GT showed us that whether you’re charging headfirst into battle with a WAAAGH! or tactically outmaneuvering your opponents with Eldar finesse, it’s all about how you play your cards—or in this case, your miniatures. From Orks smashing through the competition to Eldar gracefully whittling down their foes, or even Imperial Knights and overwhelming firepower, each army brought its own unique flair to the tabletop.

So, whether you’re planning to play in the next big tournament or just looking to spice up your games at home, take a page from these winners and remember: every unit counts, and sometimes, all you need is a good plan and a whole lot of golden armored bodies.

See the Top Warhammer Army Lists & 40k Tournament Schedule for 2025

What do you think of the results and top Warhammer 40k Clutch City GT army lists for Imperial Knights, Orks, and Eldar?