Return of The Mighty Abaddon: Conversion Corner

Black Legion Conversion

When the Black Legion shows up on the battlefield you better be worried. They bring every manner of Daemon engine to bear upon the enemy!

Come see one insane mini brought to us by hobby maniac Carolus Kirchner.

Abaddon the despoiler reposed a bit different trophy rack and sword repose.

Black Legion Conversion

Although none is more feared in the Black Legion then Abaddon himself. As he has been fighting the likes of the Imperium for over 10000 years.

Black Legion Conversion

And nothing is more Iconic then Abaddons mighty trophy rack. That’s why Carolus has decided to enhance the trophy rack on his Abaddon.

Black Legion Conversion

He also carries with him the daemon sword Drach’nyen

Black Legion Conversion

“Bring me the plans to the throne!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!