Road to Adepticon 2012: Interview #1

By Rob Baer | January 26th, 2012 | Categories: Adepticon 2012, Warhammer 40k News

Recently TPM and I did an interview for Adepticon about our plans for defending our Team Tournament title this year.

You can check it out over on the main Adepticon page here;

We’ve just about put the finishing touches on assembly for our new army, and are just waiting to see on some new releases before we send it over to Next Level Painting for our team mate Kenny Boucher to paint up.

If you missed what we ran last year and our battle report, we still have it posted on Spikey Bits.

We’ll also have a sales booth at Adepticon this year so be sure to stop by and say hello!

We’ll have our a famous clearance bins, new releases, and bagged bits items.

And last but certainly not least, FTW Games (home of Spikey Bits) will be running an Adepticon primer tournament February 18th.

So if you want to get some practice in for the Championships, this would be a great tournament to play in (not to mention the guaranteed minimum $100 in prize support).  You can read more about it here.

See you soon! -MBG