Rotting to Victory: LVO 2020 Death Guard Army Showcase

Rotting The Way to Victory walNurgle sent out another plague at the 2020 LVO. Check out this beautifully painted Death Guard army that rotted its way to victory!

The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Now that it’s all over, we can show special attention to some of the most beautiful armies we’ve ever seen. Let’s check out this combined force of Nurgle Daemons and Death Guard!

lvo las vegas open 2020Las Vegas Open 2020

We move fast taking pictures at events. If this is your army and would like credit for it, email us at

Rotting The Way to Victory: LVO 2020 Death Guard Showcase

Rotting The Way to Victory 1The first thing that stands out like a sore thumb is this Great Unclean One. Surrounded by an army of browns and dark greens, he’s huge and has some great highlighting to make him a centerpiece for the army.

Rotting The Way to Victory 2A couple of Beasts of Nurgle also plopped out of the Warp and into battle with some fantastic paint jobs. It’s a major testament to the painter when they can make something look really sickly and gross, but so clean and crisp at the same time.

rotting the way to victory 3Of course, it wouldn’t be a real Nurgle army if it didn’t have the most annoying objective grabbers in the game. These guys caused all kinds of mischief on the board and were packed to the brim with detail. Every boil was covered and every intestine highlighted!

rotting the way to victory 5“It says here you have to kiss me!”

rotting the way to victory 4For the Traitor Marine aspect of the list, Typhus and a couple of rotty bois were ready to shrug off bolter round after bolter round.

rotting the way to victory 6And finally, some Plagueburst Crawlers also made it onto the board with some incredible weathering and a crisp metallic trim. Awesome job with this collection. Way to flex those hobby muscles.

What’s been your favorite Death Guard unit to use on the tabletop in 8th edition? Do you like to run a splash of Daemons and Chaos Marines? Or do you like to go all-in on one faction? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!