RUMORS: Eldar Exodites Returning to Warhammer 40k

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopWill the resurrection of old factions continue, according to these rumors, the Eldar Exodites might just be next in line!

Do you like dinosaurs and Eldar, well, this is going to be the rumor for you! If you don’t know what, the Exodites are a group of the Aeldari who saw the fall coming long before it happened and left their homeworlds to colonize new planets.

Considering they traveled so far, most were safe from the terror that killed off most of the Eldar, and on these harsh new worlds, they started their societies (and don’t care as much about technology and excess). The Exodites are independent and adventurous, so they could make for a really cool faction, or maybe just a Kill Team.

Let’s check out the rumors from CHapChapter Master Valrak and see what they could look like in 40k!

RUMORS: Eldar Exodites Returning to Warhammer 40k

So, the source for this rumor told Valark about the Corsairs coming for Kill Team long before they were ever announced.

Supposedly GW will be releasing new models for the Exodites, which makes sense for two main reasons.

First, GW has recently been giving a lot of old factions a revamp. Secondly, GW also likes to do faction releases in two parts, sort of like the Orks and the Beast Snaggas. Seeing how we just had the big Eldar release, this *could* keep the hype going, and in a while, we’ll grab the second release, this time in the form of the Exodites.

However, there was no indication whether this would be a full range for 40k or just a Kill Team. There also wasn’t much given in terms of timeframe, but we still have the new Imperial Guard stuff and the Leagues of Votann to get through, then the World Eaters.

What Could Eldar Exodite 40k Models Look Like?

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This older army on parade was sent to us from Mark Kilburn and featured his take on what the Eldar Exodites could look like in Warhammer 40k! 


ECA2459F-B3AF-4772-8652-1310DB181647_zpsmolhdfxkAs you can see, there are plenty of Eldar on dinosaurs! Plus, this is just a cool idea, and who knows, maybe we’ll have official Warhammer 40k  models riding dinosaurs soon!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the potential Exodite army? Would you pick them up? 

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