RUMORS: GW’s Full Holiday Release Lineup & Pricing!

Space Marine walpaperDon’t miss this rumored lineup of Games Workshop’s holiday releases along with pricing, some of which are already on the way next week!

There is a massive chart of rumored GW releases that was spotted recently, and now, we’ve got a first look at the prices of the items ahead. But remember these are still just RUMORS. Take everything with a pinch of salt, however, this first lineup looks to be spot on the confirmed release by Games Workshop already.

If this is the pre-order lineup for November 9th delivery, then this bodes well for the rest of these release rumors!

Coming from @wagamingdave, it looks like some sort of pricing has been revealed for what’s ahead. Just as much as the products themselves are rumors, so are the prices. However, going off of what some of the more recent GW releases have been, these price points may be surprisingly accurate.

November 9th Product Pricing Rumors

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmar

Check out the pricing for the releases that look to be hitting store shelves on November 9th.

november 9 product pricing rumors

Probably one of the most exciting things about this release wave is to be the entire Ossiarch Bonereapers line. Judging by the price of Katakros sitting at $110, this should give us an idea on his true size.

keeper of secrets

The Keeper of Secrets is one of GW’s bigger and newer releases sitting at $140. While Katakros the character doesn’t look much bigger than the other Bonereapers at his side, his base is pretty chunky. All in all, his entire unit profile might be just under the size of a Keeper of Secrets- hence slightly cheaper pricing.

santa grot wal da red gobbo

The Red Gobbo also looks to be coming in at $35. That might seem like a hefty price for a single Grot model. However, he’s a seasonal promo rocking the Christmas spirit like nobody else.

As for the rest of the releases, they look to be some possible books for Black Library, painting bundles, and some other Age of Sigmar goodies.

November 16 Product Pricing Rumors

Check out the pricing for the releases rumored to be hitting store shelves on November 16th.

november 16 product pricing rumors


zone mortalis2


zone mortalis gamma

The spotlight of all these releases might be the Necromunda Zone Mortalis boards coming from GW instead of FW. Both entries for Zone Mortalis are nestled in between the other Necromunda goodies on the list. Plus, let’s face it. Necromunda is the perfect game for this terrain to be re-introduced.

necromunda dark uprising 2

Note the floor looks to be their normal fold-out boardgame cardstock style


necromunda dark uprising 4


necromunda dark uprising 3

What might be a kick in the pants here is the recently-previewed Dark Rising Box Set for Necromunda may be coming at a whopping $290 price tag. This is Adeptus Titanicus-level pricing for just two factions and some terrain (although it may have rules supplements in them as well- its hard to tell from just a pricing rumor)

The other releases look to be the usual batch of Black Library books along with some Middle Earth/LOTR releases. One thing is for sure, we should keep our eyes peeled in November for more Necromunda announcements from GW to see if the new set will be just under $300.

Nov 23 Product Pricing Rumors: Imperial Characters & More

Check out the pricing for the releases rumored to be hitting store shelves on November 23rd

november 23 product pricing rumors


snarlfang 3

For that week in November, it looks like some Imperial characters like Inquisitors and Assassins might be on the way (This might be the old MTO stuff of classic models). However, moving deeper into the Beastgrave expansion of WHU, Rippa’s Snarlfangs look to be making their debut. At $30, there’s nothing out of the ordinary expected for a Warband.

Nov 29 Product Release Pricing Rumors

Check out the pricing for the releases rumored to be hitting store shelves on November 29th

november 29 product pricing rumors


Sisters of battle army set

One of the most anticipated releases of 2019 looks to be the Sisters of Battle Army Set. While we’ve already gotten an official word at what’s inside the box, it looks to be weighing in at $210 according to these rumors. Surprisingly, if these rumors are true it looks like this is the only Sisters release we’re seeing for the near future!

People that buy this might be sitting with under a thousand points of new Sisters for a while with no other releases in sight.

Another product of note is the first-ever generic Primaris Space Marine Start Collecting Box along with what looks to be a new Chaos Marines Start Collecting Box as well.

Rumors of Battleforces December Product Pricing

Check out the pricing for the releases rumored to be hitting store shelves on December 7th:

December 7 rumor product pricing

Some heavy hitters in this list are the Battleforces, possibly a new Mephiston (following the usual Primaris Named Character pricing of $40), and Chapter Approved/ Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal.

Remember Chapter Approved 2018 came out the same week as Vigilus book one last December as well!

As for the Mephiston/ Blood Angel Vs. Tyranid support, we’ve also been hearing rumors about this for a while as well! 


  • This expansion of Psychic Awakening will be themed around Blood Angels and Tyranids (probably picking up from the events of the Devastation of Baal).
  • Mephiston is supposed to be getting a new Primaris model.

December Bringing More Warcry & AoS:

Check out the pricing for the releases rumored to be hitting store shelves on December 14th

december 14 rumor product pricing

The biggest of these releases is the overhaul of the Slaves to Darkness in AoS, and more Warcry content for already-released factions. As for the Slaves to Darkness, all of the pricing from the Start Collecting at $95, Warscroll Cards at $25, and a Battletome at $40 all look to be accurate.

The thing that has us scratching our heads is the fact that old Warcry Warbands are getting some kind of (potential) release that’ll cost more than the base Warband itself.

corvus cabal 2

With each Warband costing $50 base, these releases above look to be $65 a pop. Could these be alternate sculpts of existing units? Or will these be boxes that could come with a variety of options to mix up with your other units?  Do you think they will be for use with AoS Slaves of Darkness more than Warcry?

That is a spicy new release meatball!  If these are all true, what would be at the top of your buy list this holiday season?

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