RUMORS: More 40k Starter Boxes on the Way in 2019?

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Will there be more Starter box bundles coming from Games Workshop this year? Well, the hobby probably hopes so. Let’s look at the latest rumors!

If you haven’t heard the latest news, GW has been pulling almost every single Starter Box from their webstore. It’s as if they never even existed. For example, Tooth & Claw, Wake the Dead, and Forgebane are all gone. We don’t think you should panic just yet, however, because more Starter Boxes could be in store for us in 2019.

There was an interesting rumor from last year that seems to have been accurate so far.

First, let’s go over why GW could be pulling some of their newer boxes,

Games Workshop Pulling Start Boxes




Why would Games Workshop be pulling their Starter Boxes? Could have something to do with sales profit and reproduction? GW knows that they’ll get the maximum amount of sales with new products if there’s something exciting waiting for the faction. For example, Forgebane dropped right around the time of the Necron Codex. To add even more temptation, two new Knight (Armigers) and an exclusive Cryptek on Canoptek Cloak were inside.

However, there may no longer be any incentive for GW to keep producing this box because the Armigers have their own individual box and the new Cryptek came out by himself around Christmas.

Bottom line, there may not be a real reason for people to shell out money for Forgebane when they can spend less money for exactly what they want. Consequently, GW pulls those boxes from the site rather than using their resources to restock.

Rumors of More Unique Starter Boxes

We had been hearing rumors of more starter boxes coming for Warhammer with some odd-pairings faction wise in the sets that we wouldn’t normally expect.

  • Look for Box Sets to line up with Codex releases
  • Box Set releases will be more common
  • They will contain unusual match-ups
  • Factions include Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle, Orks, Tyranids, and Space Marines.

Games Workshop may have some boxes under development that are designed to peak everyone’s interest by pitting two unlikely factions together. For example, maybe something like Tau vs. Daemons or Orks vs. Tyranids. In those boxes, they could even keep the theme of an exclusive fluffy character. For example, an Ork with a flamer that’s especially good against Tyranids. Who knows!

We’ve already seen one very interesting matchup pitting Flesh-eater Courts against Skrye in AoS.

These Old Starter Boxes Could Always Come Back

There’s nothing stopping GW from reproducing these older boxes. But, we think it may be in their best interest to bring them back when hype is at an all-time high. For example, Horus Heresy fans love the Betrayal at Calth box because it has so much value. But there’s not really any “big” thing going on in 30k at the moment so sales for the box probably aren’t too high. (Betrayal at Calth actually got pulled from the webstore as well).

However, if they revealed some crazy new units for Horus Heresy like a Primarch or brand new Legion squads at the Horus Heresy Weekender event this February, why not bring our a limited run of Calth?

Printing up a small run of the Betrayal at Calth (or Prospero) would potentially both generate sales and stimulate players to start Horus Heresy because of the bundle savings.

We Could Still See Starter Box Exclusive Models Released


Following the usual pattern, Games Workshop likes to throw in some brand new models that have never been seen into those Starter Boxes. The only place you can get them is from that box (At least for a little bit).

If you were worried that you might not get your hands on some of the models in the Starter Boxes that got pulled (like the Abominant from Tooth and Claw, for example). You’ll probably see them turn up eventually. Remember, The Cryptek, Armigers, Horticulus Slimux, and Neave Blacktalon were all exclusive models that got their own individual release after a while.

What do you think GW’s reason behind pulling the Starter Boxes is? Which factions would you like to see got a Starter Box together? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.