RUMORS: New 40k Chaos & Mandrakes Miniatures Coming

Chaos-rumors-title-hor-wal-1280-site-warhammer-40k-games-workshop1The next 40k Kill Team box may feature Night Lords for Chaos vs the Drukhari with new models for Mandrakes, a much-needed unit!

While we can’t buy the latest Kill Team box featuring Aeldari and Scouts, yet, the models have been revealed, so it’s time to start looking forward to them!

Let’s be honest: Dark Eldar hasn’t seen a lot of love for a long time when it comes to new models, and they still have a bunch of their range in Finecast, and this rumored Nightmare box will give them some love.

Then, while Chaos Space Marines has a lot of newer models, they could always use some good upgrades for individual legions (that don’t have their own codexes). There are also some other distant rumors in the video about Vespids and Swooping Hawks, so we’ll cover that as well!

Let’s jump into the new rumors.

RUMORS: New 40k Kill Team Box Will Feature Night Lords Vs Mandrakes!

The new 40k Night Lords and Mandrakes Kill Team rumors come from Valrak via Bolter and Chainsword.

40k Kill Team Night LordsFirst, these are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need; however, he was spot on with the last box, which bodes well for this one. It looks like this box will follow the older style of 40k Kill Team boxes with one brand-new unit and one upgrade kit.

The Mandrakes will be a completely new kit, and they really need it! While the existing Mandrake unit looks great, it is still in Finecast and is super hard to get (not even on GW’s US site at the time of writing this.)

Most people seem to be currently looking for ways to proxy their Mandrakes, so this is a much-needed change. Let’s just hope you can actually get these ones, and they aren’t paywalled for months.

Since we are wishlisting here, could this also be the start of a more extensive range refresh for the Drukhari, as some of the models are quite old, and maybe a new character (come on, just give us Vect)!

40k Kill Team Night LordsNext, the Night Lords are rumored to be getting a big upgrade kit in this 40k Kill Team box. Instead of having to look for your own bits, or just paint them differently, you will just be able to get the upgrade sprue and make Night Lords that look scary!

Forge World (bits above) has made a few upgrade bits kits for HH, but let’s hope the new offering in plastic is a little more exciting with plenty of bat heads.

Rumor Engines Support New 40k Night Lords & Mandrakes Miniatures?

rumor engine 09-12-23

This recent rumor engine looks very much like it could be a new weapon for the Mandrakes! They basically have giant cleaver-type weapons. We’ll have to wait and see, but this seems to support the rumors.

New Tau Vs Eldar

40k Kill Team Night LordsLooking even further into the future, this is a pretty loose rumor, so again, take this with as much salt as you need. According to the rumors, there will be another Kill Team box and will feature Swooping Hawks vs new Vespids.

The Swooping Hawks side of things seems to be pretty solid, but the Vespids could also be some kind of jump-pack Imperial Guard unit. So we’ll have to wait and see on that.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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