RUMORS: New 9th Edition 40k Units for Orks & Ad Mech

admech wal paperWith the Drukahri and Sisters of Battle getting a new battle box, could we see new units and a similar box for Orks and Ad Mech next? Check it out.

We have seen a lot of interesting teasers over the past year or for Orks and Adeptus Mechanicus. It would make sense for either of them to be the next army getting a book and some updates. But what should we expect? Well, we have some ideas after combing through the rumors for the past year.

9th Edition 40k rumorsJust keep in mind, with all the slowdowns just announced due to COVID, any new release from Games Workshop may be way further back into the year than we originally expected.

RUMORS: New 9th Edition 40k Units for Orks & Ad Mech

Ork Collectible CoinWe’ve seen a coin in the wild for Orks, a new mini previewed, and with how early they got their codex in 8th, it all lines up well for you Ork players out there! The real question is, what could they be getting? It would be awesome to see them and Ad Mech both receive a box much like Piety & Pain.

But other than that, there are a couple of units for both that we think could be very likely. Let’s start with the Orks.

What Orks Could be Getting

Indomitus day ork 2


Indomitus day ork 1GW was very hesitant, back in July, to reveal too much of the new Ork mini and we had heard whispers from last year that the Orks would be getting plastic Tank Bustas (or Kommandos). It would make total sense then that GW didn’t want to reveal too much of this mini and just give it all away. The other part of that rumor was that they were getting Ghazghkull, which has already come to pass.

So that at least gives some relevancy to the old rumor. On top of that, they mentioned a couple of other new boxes, so if that rumor is even somewhat true, that means we could easily see 2-3 new boxes for Orks! This is all just based on rumors mind you that now are over 1-year old…

Now let’s see what Ad Mech Could be getting!

Adeptus Mechanicus Possibilities

admech new model


admech new model 2We also saw a preview of an Ad Mech mini back in July and then again on New Year’s Day. which means they could be very high on the list of next armies to get codexes, but we all know that by now. Back in 2019, we saw these Jes Godwin sketches about a new type of heavy Ad Mech infantry unit. Could that be coming out with their codex? We hope so and hope that they come out before too long.

Let’s look at the possibility of heavy infantry.

skitarii-dunerider-sketch-1Heavy Skitarii, according to the designers’ (Jes Godwin) sketchbook which was shown alongside the Skorpius model. They were stated to take up twice as many slots in the transport as regular Skitarii.

skitarii weapons sketch

Now that the Hephaestons were mentioned with the Skorpius Dunerider, Burni from the B&C posted up some early sketch designs of the Hephaeston weapons that were compiled with early Dunerider concept art.

You can see in clear handwriting “Hephaeston Ranged Weapons” with what looks to be like medium-level firepower. Similar to Kataphrons, one design thought shows to be thinking that the weapons will be mounted directly to the shoulder joint.

Next 90 days for 40k 4

Plus with these pics of Ad Mech boxes spotted showing off the new 9th Edition art style, it looks like the whole line may be getting an update along with whatever new releases such as a codex, the model above, and any new accessories.

Some pretty interesting possibilities! We’ll just have to see if any of them come true and when.

Which units would you like to see the most? When do you think we could see these come out?

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