RUMORS: New Black Legion, Primarchs, Wolves, & More!

By James Rodriguez | March 14th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaos

Come see the latest rumors of four upcoming primarchs, a new boxed set, and more releases for Warhammer 40,000. From the looks of it, there may be a busy hobby road ahead of us.

We’re getting a little more today on the recent Primarch and Chaos rumors. But first, let’s take a look at what we’ve seen so far courtesy of Scanner.

Here’s the latest rumors, and remember this is a 100% grade “A” rumor so don’t forget your salt.

salt pile

In the near future Games Workshop has a release arce planned that fans will be happy to hear about.

First and foremost, we’re going to be seeing the return of some noteworthy Primarchs.

There’s a new campaign that will be coming our way,  along the lines of the Gathering Storm series.

Still not 100% positive, but it looks like Chaos might be seeing some updates for different armies.

It wasn’t long after that first rumor that we received an update with a little more details that there may be even bigger plans for Warhammer 40k in the near future.

In the near future Games Workshop has a release arce planned that fans will be happy to hear about.

First and foremost, we’re going to be seeing the return of some noteworthy Primarchs. Fulgrim, Lion El’ Johnson, Angron, and Leman Russ will all be getting models for 40k.

There’s a new campaign that will be coming our way,  along the lines of the Gathering Storm series, with a little bit of Imperial Armor thrown in for campaign missions.

It looks like Chaos might be seeing some updates for different armies. It will be similar to how DG got troops, elites, and a handful of specialties.

According to Scanner, we’re going to be getting new minis for Fulgrim, Lion El’ Johnson, Angron, and Leman Russ. If that’s true there’s going to be a lot of happy fans out there. On top of that, some Chaos armies might be getting new units, and it looks like there will be a new campaign book on the way as well.

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Well, the Scanner rumors must have sparked something, because today we’re seeing another rumor courtesy of +Frater Domus+ on Bolter & Chainsword that is right along the same lines.

A source of mine has just let some new rumors slide. Heavy salt, but he predicted the Nurgle demons release a month before it was announced, along with knowing about the Death Guard/Primaris starter early and knowing about the new Knight back in November, so… I’m trusting him on this one. Your millage may vary, of course.

New Black Legion will be in a boxed set with new Space Wolves, new Abbadon model and Chaos Chosen, plus a new Wolves character and some other stuff. End of year for the boxed set.

Angron and new Khorne will be coming too, although may be next year now. Angron is gonna be huge

Also here’s a big one: Kroot Codex. Hard to believe, but the source on this has never been wrong for me.

Russ is returning – old man Russ, looks a bit like Odin – and he will POSSIBLY have 2 forms like Morathi

So from the looks of the latest rumors, two different sources seem to be saying the same thing. Angron, Russ, Wolves, and Chaos updates are all possibilities with the latest rumors. Scanner mentioned a new campaign, and +Frater Comus+ was talking about a new box set with Space Wolves and Chaos Chosen. Could they both be talking about the same thing? It’s starting to look like the upcoming releases are going to have a little something for everyone if the rumors are true.

For now, that’s all we know, but this talk of a future campaign style release seems to line up with some of our own predictions on what may be next for 40k.

AoS Banner Deep Dream

Does Games Workshop ever have to put out a new edition?

Games Workshop is notorious for doing complete rules revamps, labeling it as some kind of new edition, and next thing you know we, the players, are spending more money on books and learning new rules systems. But does it really need to be that way?

…One of the easiest things Games Workshop can do is simply drop a new campaign supplement to keep the ball rolling and engage with their player base who is also their chief financial resource…

 No More New Editions of Warhammer 40k & AoS?

What do you think about the latest rumors? Is there a different Primarch you wanted to see on the list? Or are you happy with Fulgrim, Lion El’ Johnson, Angron, and Leman Russ? Drop us a line and let us know in the comments below.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”