RUMORS – New Contents of a Third Horus Heresy Starter Box?

death guard nurgle chaos hor

We’ve already seen Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero, but is there a third Heresy box coming our way and what could it feature?

The latest rumor pertaining to a third Horus Heresy boxed game was spotted over at BoLS. Here’s our breakdown on it.


Don’t forget to add salt!

Sources say to look for the third game to show up this year. Here’s the latest on what it contains:

  • The Boxed Set will Feature Death Guard vs a Loyalist Chapter
  • Loyalists are described with contradictory reports as either Dark Angels or White Scars
  • Minis are described as upgrade sprues with already produced plastic heresy kits.

The sources were not named from their site, but let’s take a look at what people are wanting to see most in plastic right now, and why this rumor might have some truth to it.

So what plastic kits from Forge World for the Heresy are people wanting to see most right now, besides just upgrades? We’ve came up with a small top 3 list based on internet buzz, and talk around the community.

  1. Jump Troops
  2. MK I Deimos Pattern Rhino
  3. MK V Heresy Armor

But who would be featured in this new Heresy box? Last year we saw a pre and post heresy Thousand Sons army release (for Chaos 40k), which leads us to our guess of the Death Guard as it just makes sense from a promotions perspective.Death Guard Wal Hor

The rumors are already starting to fly that the Death Guard won’t be released until later this year. Betrayal at Calth was released Q4 2015 and the Burning of Prospero was released Q4 2016. This alone leaves the door wide open to guesses of the Death Guard being a featured army for Chaos in the, supposed, new Prospero box.

What are your thoughts? What kits would you like to see in plastic? Who would you like to see going against the Death Guard if this rumor is true? Dark Angels? White Scars? Let us know in the comments below.

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