RUMORS: New Terminators & Upcoming Horus Heresy Box Sets

gw-rumors space marines horNew release date rumors for Horus Heresy, including Indomitus Pattern Terminators and two new box sets, have emerged.

It’s been a little while since we’ve seen release rumors for Horus Heresy, but it’s nice to have an idea of what’s coming for the game! Especially considering GW basically already revealed everything from their New Year’s Preview.

These Terminator rumors also line up with the 40k rumors we’ve heard (as they can be used in both games), so always nice to have some consistency with rumors!

RUMORS: New Horus Heresy Indomitus Terminators & Box Sets

Horus Heresy TerminatorsThese rumors come from Faeit 212, which he says comes from a solid source. However, they are in fact rumors and should be treated as such.

  • No Assault or Breacher or otherwise Close Combat Infantry before Summer.
  • New Terminators of the Indomitus Pattern which can be used for 40k (option for Crux Terminatus on shoulder pads or without them). Separate Sprue/Box for Close Combat Weapons
  • New Terminator Praetor with Indomitus Pattern Armour in Plastic, which comes with parts to show chaos influences and could maybe be used as a Chaos Lord in 40k.
  • New “two Armies” Box Set in August with MkII Power Armour and a completely new close combat Dreadnought Pattern.

So first, unfortunately, it looks like there are no new combat units before summer, but it seems like GW is saving a lot of the big releases for Warhammer Fest at the beginning of May.

Next up, new Terminators are coming in plastic, and we’ve also heard that rumor from the 40k side as well. It would be really nice to have a box to use for both Warahmmer 40k and Horus Heresy.

Maybe the most interesting thing here is there may be two boxes (or hopefully just a different sprue) with the close combat stuff. We’ll have to see how it plays out, but hopefully, it’s all just in one box, and you won’t have to spend more to get the CC weapons.

Then, another plastic Praetor would be sweet, especially if you can use it for traitor, loyalist, and a 40k Chaos Lord!

betrayal at calth Want to Play Horus Heresy? Here's How To Start!

Lastly, there may be a new “two-army battle box” set featuring MKII armor, which has really been underrepresented across the board, honestly.  We assume they mean similar to the previous starter sets with fewer models, perhaps more like the Betrayal at Calth or Prospero Burns boxes, which have been a little lacking recently.

Maybe even better, though, there may even be a new combat Dreadnought, which could also be the 30k version of the Brutalis dread!

Let’s check out the 40k Terminator rumors and see how they line up.

New Space Marines Terminators 

These rumors come from this Valrak video, and he says this is all from a trusted source.

10th edition starterLastly, new Terminators models may also be coming soon! From these rumors, they will not be Primaris; they will stay firstborn and just scaled up and retooled.

These new models will be chunkier, so they stand up to Primaris scale better, and also, they will also be in the 10th edition box! Lastly, we got a rumored statline for them from Bolter and Chainsword.

4W – S4 – T5 – 3A – 2+/4++ Sv. 

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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