New Ynnari Army Wide Rules & Psychic Powers Slap

yncarne-rulesThey were broken once, and now the Ynnari are getting new Army Wide Rules and Psychic Powers in the 40k Eldar Codex!

With the book on the horizon, the leaks are just flying around the web. Some of the datasheets are a little hard to read, but all the powers and stratagems are super easy to see. This will give you a seriously good idea of what they will be able to do in the new book!

 Obviously, these are rumors, but they come from a very reliable source on the Aeldari Discord. Still, all rumors need to be taken with a grain of salt. Let’s start with the stuff we’ve already seen for them, then jump into the new stuff.

New Ynnari Army Wide Rules & Psychic Powers

advent rumors day 8Always fighting first is sure to kick up some opinions with players, but at the end of the day, it may only matter if you can stack buffs on them to make them death blenders.

New 40k Ynnari Yncarne Rules Revealed by GW

Yncarne rules

It’s no surprise that the embodiment of death would be hard to kill – the Yncarne’s Deathly Form ability offers a 4+ invulnerable save and halves all incoming damage. This provides plenty of time for it to close in on the enemy and start lopping heads from shoulders with its legendary Sword of Souls, Vilith-zhar.

It looks like Tau isn’t the only one ignoring Invulnerable saves. Plus, with so much damage, you should be able to cut through pretty much anything, then the sweeping attack will also be quite oppressive as you’ll be getting double attacks (6 base, 12 with the sweeping attack).

Yncarne rules 2

 Vilith-zhar was previously the only weapon at the Yncarne’s disposal, but now it can also direct its baleful hurricane of soul energy to strip the life from all nearby foes – without even rolling to hit. Some foes might look at this intimidating array of attacks and decide to avoid confronting the Yncarne altogether. Unfortunately, they’re out of luck – the Yncarne retains its ability to manifest wherever an allied unit is wiped out, seeking revenge for their fallen souls.

Even though the range is short, if you can get this in range of 2 or 3 units, it will really dish out the damage! An S7, -2 AP flamer? Sounds pretty good to us! Plus, it keeps the ability to pop up all over the battlefield, so quite an imposing force.

Psychic Powers

Yncarne rules 3

Fittingly for an avatar of the Whispering God, the Yncarne now knows all psychic powers from the Ynnari’s Revenant discipline. It can assault enemy minds at greater range than before with Storm of Whispers, while protecting a key ally with the newly-focused Shield of Ynnead – perfect for bolstering Aspect Warriors who’ve already claimed a 5+ invulnerable save.

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The Storm of Whispers would pair quite well with the new shooting attack, meaning you get this model close and just dish out the damage. Then, giving a 4+ Invuln is really strong, really not much to say other than that!

New Army Wide Rules

Ynnari RulesThe first thing to note is all of your units from other factions gain the Craftworlds Keyword. Next, you need an Asuryani unit for every Harlequins or Drukhari you take in the same role. So another big thing to keep in mind.

It seems like GW is also stopping you from mixing troops into different transports. To take Scourges or Incubi, you have to pay more for them as the army-wide rules can be super useful on them. Now, they will all be fighting first and if they are even one model below starting strength, they get +1 to hit.

Their stratagem for only 1 CP is always good on Aeldari as wounding is usually where they have issues!

Ynnari RulesThis is a pretty easy way to look at how to build detachments for the Ynnari, and just make sure you understand you’re getting rid of all of your other keywords.

Revenant Discipline

Ynnari RulesSix new psychic powers are here for the Ynnari in the Eldar codex. Word of the Phoenix can be super strong if you have some really expensive units you want to be brought back, but unfortunately, you can’t use it on Wraiths.

Ynnari RulesThey have multiple buffs to wound the enemy, which again, for Aeldari is always something you want!

Overall, we think Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of news and rumors for all things Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage:

    Do you like the rules you’ve seen for Eldar so far? Will you be playing any Ynnari? 

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