Salamanders Have An Insane Combo To Watch Out For Too

By Rob Baer | November 4th, 2019 | Categories: Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

salamander space marine wal horIf you need to drop two high priority targets in one turn, the Salamanders can bring the heat no problem! Watch out for this cool 40k combo!

Space Marines are definitely better than before. And while we aren’t going into each faction or every single combo (which we are sure are good), here’s a great combo for the Salamanders that you should experiment with in your next game.

We’re going to list all of the key components and then breakdown why it’s all good. Sit back, buckle up, and praise the Emperor.

Salamanders- Hootin’ Tootin’ Flamer Shootin’ BBQ!

salamanders CT 2019

Remember that Salamanders can reroll a single hit and wound roll. Plus, they ignore -1 AP firepower which is nice. However, this Chapter Tactic doesn’t tie in too much with the crazy combo.

promethian cult salamander preview

However, with the Promethian Cult, you can add 1 to the wound rolls for flamers and melta weapons. This is nasty, specifically for flamers here.

  • Take a fatty unit of six Aggressors with Flamers.
  • Take a Chapter Master/Vulkan for rerolls.
  • You’ll also need CP stored away for these Strats:

Flamecraft (2CP): An entire unit’s flamers get the max auto hits. You don’t have to rolls. (D6 becomes 6 hits).

The Fires of Battle (1CP): Use only in your shooting phase or Opponent’s charge phase. Wounds of a 4+ for flamer weapons do 1 mortal wound in addition to normal damage.

Crucible of Battle (1CP): Add 1 to the wounds for a unit when selected to shoot or fight.

Salamanders Feature

If you didn’t know it, Aggressors can pump out a max of 12 hits per model with their flamers AND fire twice if they don’t move. Popping Flamecraft on a unit of six will get 72 auto-hits on the first volley of shots. From there, pop Fires of Battle and Crucible of Battle before you shoot. This will make any 50% of the wounds (unmodified rolls of a 4+) proc a mortal…But you’re also +2 to wound combined with Crucible of Battle and your Promethian Cult Doctrine. You can see where the hilarity ensues on this one.

While the range may be shorter on flamer Aggressors than the Imperial Fist Centurion trick, anything within a close radius of these guys will surely be burnt to ash. The trick is to keep these guys from getting shot at and kited. Luckily, Salamanders have a stratagem that can let another unit soak up wounds for them.

Self Sacrifice (2CP): You can select one infantry unit to jump in front of all other shots of friendly units within 6″. The opponent can not shoot at any other infantry unit within 6″ of the selected unit. (They basically have to wipe that one selected unit off the table before they kill anything else nearby). Just bring a unit of Vets with Storm Shields and let them soak every shot that comes their way.

Of course, there are other combos out there that turn flamers into Pistols letting you unload everything into whatever you’re in melee with. It just comes down to your personal situation. Regardless, Aggressors with flamers are a toolbox unit and you can rest assured. If you bring these guys with some CP, something’s getting torched.

Check out the full breakdown from Kenny, Rob, and Wyatt in their own review of Space Marine combos.

With these three combos covered, what do you think is the strongest? Do you already have the units needed to run these? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

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