Saving Bloodcrushers: EMR Painting Tutorial

Saving Bloodcrushers: eBay Miniature Rescue Tutorial

eBay Miniature Rescues is back again with another video, and this time he’s painting Bloodcrushers from a recent buy! Check it out.

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat up, damaged minis, and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and it’s super fun to watch what Casey is able to do with some once hopeless miniatures.

 Be sure to check out all his stuff here! This week, he keeps trying to save the worst Warhammer army he’s ever bought. Last week he saved the Bloodthirster, but today he focuses on the Bloodcrushers. Check it out!

Saving Bloodcrushers: eBay Miniature Rescue Painting Tutorial

Beat up Blood CrushersYou can see how bad these are! He really has his work cut out for him! To start he soaks them all for a while to break up all the old paint and get the thick glue off. Lastly, he uses a Dremel, but just be sure to wear a mask and eye protection when doing this! He pinned a bunch of these but forgot to record that part, so just use your imagination.


Priming stageHe primes all the minis black to start. Then with the airbrush, he hits the minis with Secret Weapon Miniature’s tire black, rubber, and rubber highlight. He starts with just Tire Black, then slowly adds in the lighter colors to make successive highlights. Just make sure to get good thin coats and slowly move up in color. Finishing with a fairly light highlight.

Red stage BloodcrushersOnce that’s dry he does the same thing for the reds. Starting with Khorne Red, then adding in some Mephiston Red, and finishing with a mixed-in highlight of Fire Dragon Bright.

Painting One with a Rider on Top

Bloodcrusher with riderHe got impatient and painted one with the rider on top. He used the same method as above with the reds and hit the whole mini with the airbrush. This allowed him an easy process and to see how far he could take the highlights.

Painting the Metal

Metal StageHe uses Vallejo Copper and Dark Aluminum for all the metals. He uses these because he can cover everything in one coat. He uses copper for all the trim and aluminum for the swords and gears.

Oiling the Minis

Oil stageHe uses Tamyia Black Panel liner and washes it basically all over the model. He then takes a paper towel and cleans up the excess. That’s pretty much it! But he did go back in the end and hit a final edge highlight, but didn’t show that part.

Finished Mini

Finished BloodcrusherThere you have it! Some minis painted to a great tabletop standard. Be sure to keep tuning in because this was just the first mini he tackled from this collection!

Follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!

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