Warhammer 40k Shadowspear: What’s Inside, Release Date, and How to Build and Paint Your Army

By Wesley Floyd | October 24th, 2024 | Categories: Shadowspear, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new wal hor Chaos Getting Their Own Primaris Sized Models Now!

Here’s the breakdown of the Shadowspear 40k contents list, release date, rules, value, and pricing in our updated savings breakdown!

Warhammer 40k Shadowspear: What’s Inside, Release Date, and How to Build and Paint Your Army

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What Is Shadowspear 40k?

Shadowspear 40kIntroduction to Warhammer 40k Shadowspear

So, what’s the deal with Shadowspear 40k? Picture this: two deadly forces colliding in a box filled with shiny new models and tactical mayhem. Shadowspear is a Warhammer 40k battlebox that throws the elite and covert Vanguard Space Marines against the chaos-fueled might of the Daemonkin. It’s more than just plastic miniatures; it’s a full-scale invasion of your gaming table.

The box serves as a key release in the Warhammer 40k world, introducing brand-new sculpts for both factions. The Vanguard Space Marines, known for sneaking behind enemy lines and striking from the shadows, meet their match against the Daemonkin, who are, in a word, disturbing. They’re twisted, corrupt soldiers of Chaos, combining brute force with dark sorcery. If you’re familiar with how Warhammer loves its epic battles between good and evil (with a healthy dose of grey areas), this box represents that conflict in glorious detail.

Shadowspear Release Date

For those of you wondering, “When does Shadowspear 40k come out?” – here’s the scoop. The set officially hit the shelves in March 2019, leaving many hobbyists refreshing their browsers for pre-order availability. Given the amount of hype surrounding the Shadowspear release, it’s no surprise it became one of the hot topics in the Warhammer community almost immediately.

The timing of the Shadowspear release date was particularly significant because it followed in the footsteps of other major box sets like Dark Imperium, which had brought new life to the 8th Edition. Comparisons were inevitable, with many questioning whether Shadowspear would bring as much bang for the buck. Spoiler alert: it definitely did, with new rules, stunning models, and a narrative that dragged the Warhammer 40k universe even further into chaos.

Shadowspear Campaign and Lore

ShadowspearFor those of you who like your tabletop games with a heaping side of lore, Shadowspear does not disappoint. Set against the backdrop of the Vigilus Campaign, this battlebox brings the ongoing saga of the War Zone Vigilus to life. Vigilus is a vital world in the Imperium’s defenses, practically bursting at the seams with warfare. It’s located along the Nachmund Gauntlet, a narrow and perilous corridor through the warp that connects humanity’s holdings across the stars. In short, if Vigilus falls, things get really bad for the good guys.

In Shadowspear, the battle rages on Nemendghast, a hellscape within Vigilus. This is where the Vanguard Space Marines of the Ultramarines 2nd Company clash with Vorash, the sinister Master of Possession, and his Daemonkin warband from the Black Legion. The Vanguard Marines are tasked with rooting out the Chaos taint, using stealth, precision, and some seriously awesome tech. Meanwhile, the Daemonkin, twisted by their devotion to the Ruinous Powers, are pushing the boundaries of what it means to sacrifice oneself for ascension. Their warped bodies and blood-drenched rituals show that they’re not just here to win—they’re here to pull reality itself apart.

The War Zone Vigilus is central to the Warhammer 40k narrative because it represents the Imperium’s desperate defense against Chaos and other forces trying to break through. It’s a pivotal moment, with Shadowspear showcasing just one chapter of the brutal war to come. For long-time fans, this continues the epic story arcs we’ve seen in past campaigns, but it also serves as an exciting entry point for newcomers looking to get their hands on some of the coolest miniatures Games Workshop has ever released.

Shadowspear Contents List: What’s Inside the Box?

Miniatures in Shadowspear

Let’s get right into the good stuff: Shadowspear’s contents. This box is stacked, bringing two brand-new factions to the forefront of your next tabletop battle. Whether you’re an Imperium loyalist or a Chaos fiend, this set has plenty to keep your painting hand busy and your dice rolling all night long.

Here’s the Shadowspear list of miniatures:

Vanguard Space Marines Units:

Infiltrators: These sneaky soldiers are the masters of battlefield control. Armed with Marksman Carbines, they can auto-wound enemies on a hit roll of six, making them perfect for those tricky-to-crack foes like vehicles or monstrous creatures. Plus, their ability to block deep strikes within 12” ensures they’ll ruin anyone’s day who’s trying to get the jump on them. 

Eliminators: If you like your Marines with a dash of sniper cool, the Eliminators are your go-to unit. They come equipped with bolt sniper rifles that not only pack a punch but can also target enemy characters from across the board. With options for both damage-dealing and character-hunting rounds, they’re like silent assassins cloaked in Phobos Armor.

Suppressors: Ever wondered what happens when you give Primaris Marines autocannons and jetpacks? The Suppressors, that’s what! These bad boys are a fast-attack nightmare, jumping across the battlefield while laying down suppressive fire to prevent enemy overwatch. With only three in a squad, they’re compact but deadly.

Librarian in Phobos Armor: This psychic powerhouse doesn’t just look cool in his camo cloak—he brings serious utility to the battlefield. With the Obscuration Discipline, he’s casting protective and disruptive psychic powers while also being able to drop in from the shadows. All that, and he’s still packing a fierce combat punch.

Chaos Daemonkin Units:

Master of Possession: This is the guy summoning your worst nightmares to life. The Master of Possession comes armed with some of the most terrifying psychic powers in the game, allowing him to warp reality, summon daemons, and boost his allies’ already unsettling abilities. If you’re on the Chaos side, he’s your VIP (Very Important Psyker).

Venomcrawler: If spiders and tanks had a baby, it would be the Venomcrawler. A skittering death machine with multiple legs and a nasty habit of shredding both tanks and infantry, this mechanical beast isn’t just for show. It’s got serious staying power with Toughness 7, and a mix of ranged and melee attacks that make it a versatile threat.

Obliterators: These guys are what happens when Chaos decides to take “more is more” to the next level. Packing mutated weaponry that can fire at almost anything, Obliterators are tough, durable (thanks to Toughness 5 and a 2+ save), and can absolutely obliterate (pun intended) whatever stands in their way.

Greater Possessed: Think Chaos Space Marines are scary? Now imagine one that’s supercharged by daemonic energy. Greater Possessed are brutal melee characters that can boost nearby daemonic units while cutting through enemy infantry like butter. They’ve got a Character keyword, so you can’t just shoot them from afar—good luck when they get close!

Shadowspear Campaign Book and Codices

Shadowspear BookNo Warhammer box is complete without some juicy story content, and Shadowspear delivers in that department too. The Shadowspear Campaign Book is more than just rules—it’s packed with narrative missions that pit the Vanguard Space Marines against the Chaos Daemonkin in an escalating struggle for dominance on the world of Nemendghast. Six Crucible of War missions take you through the brutal campaign, allowing you to recreate key moments from this battle in your games.

The book also serves as a mini-codex for both factions, providing essential data sheets and point values for the new units, along with some fantastic lore for you to chew over between games.

Codex: Vanguard Space Marines

  • You’ll find all the datasheets and special rules for the Vanguard units here, including their unique Obscuration Discipline. This psychic power set gives your Librarians the ability to cloak their allies or hinder the enemy with psychic blasts.

Codex: Daemonkin

  • On the other side, the Codex: Daemonkin introduces the Malefic Discipline, a set of dark psychic powers that allow the Chaos forces to tear open the warp, summon daemons, and manipulate reality. Combined with the power of the Master of Possession, this gives Chaos a fearsome psychic edge.

Exclusive Features of the Shadowspear Box

Let’s talk about why Shadowspear stands out compared to other battleboxes. The new sculpts alone make this set worth the price of admission. Each model feels dynamic and perfectly suited to its role, whether it’s the nimble Infiltrators or the hulking Venomcrawler. These aren’t just any models—these are brand-new designs specifically for this set, giving you something fresh on the tabletop.

The unboxing experience is also pretty special. Inside, you’ll find a slick divider that protects your books and adds a collectible element to the whole affair. There’s even a full-color poster of the box art—perfect for hanging on your wall while your armies do battle beneath it.

All in all, Shadowspear delivers something unique for both Imperium and Chaos players. It’s more than just another box set—it’s a piece of Warhammer history.

Shadowspear Value, Release Date, Contents List, and Pricing

Shadowspear List Price: $175 CAD$210 £105 €140 

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Shadowspear 40k 2


  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Adeptus Astartes, Chaos 
  • Faction: Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines
  • Role: Troops, Elites, HQ
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 36
  • Release Year: 2019

Buy Shadowspear

Shadowspear Pricing By Country

Country Price
United States $175
Canada CAD$210
United Kingdom £105
Europe €140

chaos sorcerer

Shadowspear Contents List & Value

Chaos Half

Models Unit Name Value
3 Venomcrawler & Obliterators  $79 (currently sold together on GW site)
1 Master of Possession $37
10 Chaos Space Marines $65
2 Greater Possessed $40
N/A Book Added Value
  Total MSRP:  $221
  Savings Versus Half Box Price: $133.50

Space Marine Half

Models Unit Name Value
1 Phobos Librarian  $37
10 Infiltrators $62.50
3 Eliminators $60
3 Suppressors $60
1 Captain in Phobos Armor $42
1 Lieutenant in Phobos Armour $42
N/A Book Added Value
  Total MSRP:  $303.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $216

Total Value (adjusted to 2024 prices)

  Total MSRP: $524.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $349.50

Comparisons to Other Warhammer 40k Box Sets

shadowspear possessed Shadowspear release dateHow Do the Shadowspear Contents Compare to Indomitus and Dark Imperium?

Now, let’s get into the fun part: comparing the Shadowspear contents list to the other big boys of Warhammer 40k—Indomitus and Dark Imperium. These three box sets are like siblings who grew up in the same house but took very different career paths.

Dark Imperium was the first big splash for the 8th edition, introducing the world to the Primaris Space Marines and the Death Guard. It was a true starter box, packed with a hefty rulebook, dice, rulers, and two armies ready to go. It felt like the perfect entry point into the 8th edition, especially for newcomers.

Shadowspear, on the other hand, is a more specialized set. It leans heavily into narrative play, with a focused campaign between the Vanguard Marines and Chaos Daemonkin. The models are a bit more elite and niche compared to the horde of Plague Marines in Dark Imperium. If you’re looking to expand a Space Marine or Chaos army with some specialized units, Shadowspear is your box.

Then there’s Indomitus, which launched with the 9th edition. Indomitus is like the big blockbuster—it’s filled with Necrons and Primaris Marines in new flavors. The box is massive, and while it doesn’t include a full rulebook like Dark Imperium, it’s very much a statement piece filled with brand-new units and characters.

In short, Dark Imperium is best for beginners, Indomitus for those diving into 9th edition, and Shadowspear is perfect for adding tactical depth and unique units to existing armies. If you want to see how the armies play in 10th Edition 40k, check out our how-to-play guides here!

Comparisons to More Recent Box Sets

Check out how Shadowspear stacks up against other bundle box releases, including the new Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol box from 2024.

Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
Shadowspear $175 36 $349.50
New Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol $168 26 $59
Dread Talons Battleforce $230 35 $140
Stompa Boyz Battleforce $210 23 $166

Future Prospects and Expansions

shadowspear venomcrawle Shadowspear release dateNow, let’s gaze into the crystal ball. Will we see individual Shadowspear units released as standalone kits? Absolutely. Games Workshop knows how to keep the hype train rolling, and the popularity of the models in Shadowspear suggests that we’ll likely see them appear in separate boxes down the line. Units like the Eliminators, Suppressors, and Greater Possessed have already proven to be fan favorites.

There’s also potential for future expansions or similar narrative-driven box sets. As Warhammer 40k evolves, Games Workshop often builds on successful releases. The fact that Shadowspear is tied into the wider lore of the Vigilus Campaign means we could easily see follow-up stories or models that build on this particular clash between the Imperium and Chaos.

Is Shadowspear a Good Deal?

shadowspear primaris 1 Shadowspear release dateSo, are the contents in Shadowspear a good deal? Let’s crunch some numbers. At $175, Shadowspear delivers two small armies, a mini-campaign, and two mini-codices, which is a pretty sweet package. If you were to buy these units individually, the cost would soar. For instance, characters like the Master of Possession and Vanguard Librarian would likely run you $30-35 each, and a Venomcrawler-sized model could easily reach $50. Stack that up with elite units like Eliminators or Obliterators, and you’d be looking at a far heftier bill.

In terms of bang for your buck, Shadowspear is hard to beat. You’re getting exclusive miniatures, valuable lore, and solid gameplay additions, all for a price that feels well-balanced. The community consensus is generally positive—players love the new models, and while it may not have the mass appeal of Dark Imperium, it certainly holds its own as a worthwhile investment for players looking to enrich their armies.

Painting and Hobby Guide for Shadowspear

Tips for Assembling Shadowspear Models

If assembling miniatures is the part of the hobby that makes your palms sweat, don’t worry—Shadowspear is here to help. Most of the models in the set are part of Games Workshop’s Easy to Build (ETB) range, meaning you won’t need to dive into the black hole of glue and clippers. ETB kits snap together with minimal hassle, making them great for both beginners and hobbyists looking to get their models on the battlefield fast.

That said, don’t rush! Even though they’re easy to build, there are some things to keep in mind. First, dry-fit your models before gluing. This helps avoid wonky joints or gaps. When it comes to Primaris Marines, you’ll want to pay attention to the smaller bits, like their pouches and gear. For the Chaos Daemonkin, their spiky, mutated forms can sometimes make assembly feel more like a puzzle, so take your time lining up those limbs.

Painting the Shadowspear Models

Shadowspear release dateNow, let’s talk painting. If you’re a Vanguard Space Marines fan, you’ll want to go for the classic Ultramarines blue, but with a tactical twist. The Phobos Armor worn by these sneaky Marines begs for some weathering effects, like dirt on their boots or scratches on their cloaks, to really sell the idea that they’ve been stalking through enemy territory.

Want something more unique? Go with Raven Guard. Their black armor and stealthy demeanor are perfect for these shadowy warriors. Add some subtle highlights and use muted colors on their gear to keep things covert.

For the Chaos Daemonkin, it’s time to get weird. These guys thrive on that “mutated monster” look, so feel free to go wild with flesh tones blended with darker shades of purple, red, and black. The Venomcrawler, in particular, gives you a great canvas to experiment with oily metallics and glowing warp effects. A little blood splatter on the Greater Possessed wouldn’t be out of place, either.

Need some visual guidance? There are plenty of painting tutorials here for both Space Marines and Chaos forces, so you can follow step-by-step guides whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your techniques.

FAQs About Warhammer 40k Shadowspear

Shadowspear Starter Box Warhammer Community Downloads rules pdf warhammer 40k Shadowspear release dateWhat is Warhammer 40k Shadowspear?

So, what exactly is this Shadowspear box set everyone’s talking about? In short, it’s a tactical face-off between two iconic factions in Warhammer 40k: the Vanguard Space Marines and the Chaos Daemonkin. Released as part of the 8th Edition, it’s packed with all-new sculpts and a fresh narrative that brings these two forces into brutal conflict on the war-torn world of Nemendghast. Shadowspear isn’t just a collection of miniatures—it’s a key piece of Warhammer 40k lore, tied to the ongoing battles in the Vigilus Campaign. Whether you’re expanding your army or starting a new one, Shadowspear offers something new and exciting for both the loyalists of the Imperium and the followers of Chaos.

What is the Release Date of Shadowspear 40k?

shadowspear primaris 4 Shadowspear release dateFor those eager to get their hands on Shadowspear, the box had a release date of March 2019. It became available for pre-order shortly before its release, and since then, it’s been one of the most talked-about sets in the Warhammer 40k community. Whether you’re a collector, painter, or gamer, the Shadowspear release date was a moment to mark on your calendar. If you missed out, don’t worry—many of its units have since been released separately, giving you the chance to grab your favorite models.

What’s Included in Shadowspear?

Curious about what’s inside the Shadowspear list contents? Here’s a detailed breakdown:

  • Miniatures:
    • Vanguard Space Marines: Infiltrators, Eliminators, Suppressors, Librarian in Phobos Armor
    • Chaos Daemonkin: Master of Possession, Venomcrawler, Obliterators, Greater Possessed
  • Campaign Book: Detailing the conflict on Nemendghast, part of the larger Vigilus Campaign
  • Mini-Codices: Codex: Vanguard Space Marines and Codex: Daemonkin, each filled with datasheets, wargear, and psychic powers

This box gives you everything you need to play through an intense narrative campaign, plus the tools to use these forces in your larger Warhammer 40k battles. It’s a treasure trove of lore, gameplay, and hobby opportunities.


shadowspear primaris 5 Shadowspear release dateIn the grim darkness of the far future, Shadowspear is more than just another box set—it’s release date and contents list pushed a key chapter in the ongoing struggle between the Imperium and the forces of Chaos. With stunning new models, a narrative-rich campaign, and plenty of tactical depth, it’s an exciting addition to any Warhammer 40k collection. Whether you’re a loyalist sharpening your blade for the Emperor or a heretic embracing the dark gifts of Chaos, Shadowspear has something to offer.

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What do you think of the Shadowspear, pricing, value, rules, contents list, and release date?