Shockingly Small New 40k Rules FAQ Drops for World Eaters

world-eaters-FAQGW dropped a shockingly small FAQ for the new World Eaters codex, and surprisingly, it means the codex is basically accurate!

You know the drill, the codex has been out for a while, so it’s time for changes! However, this time, the changes are actually the smallest we’ve ever seen. This could reflect that the codex was a little more streamlined with fewer stratagems, so less could go wrong!

This might really be a look into 10th edition, and if the codexes are smaller and more streamlined, we might have to go through fewer FAQs, which is something we would always love to see.

Either way, let’s check out the FAQ.

Shockingly Small New 40k Rules FAQ Drops for World Eaters

You can download the FAQ here.

World Eaters FAQ

Well, this is it. Just one simple FAQ, which is pretty wild to see, as even the smallest FAQs are generally at least four or five changes.

This one though is also pretty simple, you can’t change named characters’ Warlord Traits. Seeing how this is how it’s always been, nothing too surprising.

As we said though, this might show how GW is aiming to get the codexes moving forward, smaller books, and more minor FAQs. We’ll just have to wait and see on that, but if you play the faction, this is nice as your book wasn’t invalidated in just a few weeks after spending the money on it!

Plus, with no NERFs, you can keep getting those skulls for the Blood God!

Click Here to Download the FAQ!

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