Wild New 40k Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol Value: REVIEW

sisters of battle adept sororitas combat patrol value pricing

Here’s the new Adepta Sororitas Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol contents list, release date, rules, value, and pricing in our updated savings breakdown!

Updated November 20th, 2024, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content.

These Combat Patrol boxes are a great choice for new players who are interested in exploring a particular faction. These sets are part of the Combat Patrol series, which were introduced by GW in 2019 after replacing the Start Collecting Boxes from 2016. Plus, they offer a quick and easy way to assemble a small army and jump straight into playing games. 

Contents List, Release Date, Pricing & Value

sisters of battle combat patrol adepta sororitas

The new Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol box comes with 26 miniatures. It has a full Battle Sisters Squad, a Canoness, ten Arco-flagellants, and five Sacresants. The new Codex also contains full rules for using them in games of Combat Patrol, while for larger games of Warhammer 40k, these models are a force of around 370 points.

The release date of the Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol is June 23rd, 2024. Here is a contents list of what comes in the new Warhammer 40k Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol box:

  • 10x Battle Sisters Squad
  • 1x Canoness
  • 10 Arco-Flagellants
  • 5 Celestian Sacresants

Adepta Sororitas 40k Combat Patrol Combat Patrol Review

Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol 2

So, you’re eyeing that Combat Patrol box, huh? Good choice! These boxes are basically the VIP pass to starting a killer Warhammer 40k army. You get a solid mix of units – from the tough-as-nails troops to those snazzy specialist units.

It’s like assembling an all-star team right out of the gate, plus you can even play this box as is in smaller games of Warhammer 40k, aptly called “Combat Patrol.”

Models Unit Name Value
1 Canoness  $42
10 Sisters of Battle Squad $62.50
10 Arco-Flagellants $60
5 Celestian Sacresants $62.50
Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol
  Total MSRP:  $227
  Savings Versus Box Price: $59

Combat Patrol Warhammer 40k Comparisons

Check out how the new combat patrol stacks up against other bundle box releases, including the now out-of-print Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol box from 2022.

Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol (Old) $168 26 $144
New Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol $168 26 $59
Dread Talons Battleforce $230 35 $140
Stompa Boyz Battleforce $210 23 $166

Combat Patrol Pricing By Country

Country Price
United States $168
Canada CAD$200
United Kingdom £100 
Europe €130

Is it Worth It?

Sacresants 2 rOf the new boxes, this actually has some decent value. However, it does not have that many points, and compared to the old box, it has considerably less value. However, a lot of that value was based on ‘half-squads’ ported over from their Army box in 2019.

The new Combat Parol basically gives you one of the units inside for free, which is great if you need all of these units. So, it is a decent buy for newer players. However, the value is basically even if you don’t need just a single unit inside.

Overall, the newer 10th Edition Combat Patrols have been mostly underwhelming so far. This one seems to stay more towards the lower end of that $50-80 range of added value GW likes to put in these boxes, which is still worth the buy.

How Many Points is it?

So, you’re wondering how many points the Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol box racks up, eh? Well, in Warhammer 40k 10th edition, this box hits with about 400 points. But, as you know, the tides of the Grimdark universe are ever-shifting, and with the latest points updates, that number could quickly fluctuate.

One minute, you’re ready to purge heretics, and the next, you’re recalculating your list because the points gods have decided to have some fun.

Adepta Sororitas Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol List Price: $168 CAD$200 £100 €130 

Snag your new combat patrol from our handpicked list of models, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

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Combat Patrol Adepta Sororitas

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Imperial
  • Faction: Adepta Sororitas
  • Role: Troops, Elites, HQ
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 26
  • Release Year: 2024

Buy The Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol

Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol Description

how to play sisters of battle adeptas soritas title wal hor 10th Edition 40k warhammer

While the box doesn’t include the new Canoness with a jump pack, it does contain a decent mix of units, including a full Battle Sisters Squad, a Canoness, ten Arco-flagellants, and five Sacresants.


Last update on 2025-03-10 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Battle Sisters Squad

sisters of battle mulitpart squadThe Battle Sisters make up the vast majority of each of the Orders Militant, using their holy trinity of weaponry – bolter, melta, and flamer – to take down heretics, xenos, and traitors. They are the foot soldiers of the Emperor, acting as his sword of defiance and his shield indomitable.

With their thundering bolters, they have vanquished countless aliens, mutants, traitors, and heretics. As they advance across the battlefield, the light of the Emperor spreads like a holy dawn, resulting in miracles that see the bolts and blasts of the enemy turned impossibly aside or the foe consumed by the fires of righteous retribution.


battle sisters multipart canonessCanonesses serve as the martial and spiritual leaders of the Orders Militant. Each one is seen as a shining example of purity and dedication, a seasoned warrior with experience in hundreds of battles, and a vanquisher of the faithless in multiple war zones.

However, becoming a Canoness requires more than just combat skills. It demands strong leadership, tactical acumen, and unwavering faith in the Emperor.


Arco-flagellantsArco-flagellants move in packs alongside faithful armies, their whip-like limbs flailing as they follow their priestly masters into battle. When they spot the enemy, a powerful mix of adrenal stimulants and neural kill-signals drives them into a frenzied killing rage.

They throw themselves into the fight without any concern for their own safety or restraint. Using their cyber-implanted flails, pneu-mattocks, and cleavers, they hack and slash relentlessly until their foes are reduced to a heap of mutilated corpses.

Celestian Sacresants

Celestian Sacresants

The Celestian Sacresants are elite members of the Adepta Sororitas. Instead of serving as bodyguards for their Canoness, they travel across the Imperium to carry out missions for their order. Some work to uncover heresy and sedition, while others search for lost relics and holy sites. However, they are always ready to return to battle alongside their master when war calls.

Equipped with Sacresant shields and wearing the Adepta Sororitas’ signature power armor, these close-combat specialists are highly durable on the battlefield. They can withstand intense firepower and are armed with armor-piercing anointed halberds or heavy hallowed maces, allowing them to take on the enemy’s elite forces and emerge victorious.

New Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol Rules

As you’d expect from a Combat Patrol built for close mayhem, the Sanctuary Guardians comes loaded with rules to help you dominate the battlefield. The Sisters may be all about protecting the sanctuary, but they’re still Adepta Sororitas at heart, rocking the same Acts of Faith army rule as before.

What sets them apart this time are new Enhancements, secondary objectives, and Stratagems that sharpen their melee game even more. You can get all the new Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol rules right here.

Righteous Fury Rule

Adepta Sororitas Combat Partol RulesThis commander is a fearless warrior of the faith, driving her troops forward in ferocious charges, fueled by pure, zealous fury. She covers ground at breakneck speed, leaving no room for hesitation.

  • Her unit can both shoot and declare a charge in the same turn, even if it Advanced or Fell Back.
  • During your Command phase, you can toss aside 1 Miracle dice, and in return, you get to re-roll Charge rolls for her unit until the end of the turn. Charging with a purpose!


Adepta Sororitas Combat Partol Rules 2

The Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas murmur-focused mantras as they line up their boltguns, ready to strike true against their enemies. For the rest of the phase, whenever a model in your unit lands a Critical Wound, the Armour Penetration of that attack gets a boost by 2. A little extra punch for those well-aimed shots!

What to Buy Next?

Arco-flagellants detailAgain, this box doesn’t get you a ton, so you can go in any direction you want from here. You’ll probably want tanks, more Sisters of Battle, and Seraphim. With the new codex, your army lists might change, but you can’t go wrong with heavy weapons, objective control, tanks, and swathes of infantry!

There is also something to be said about just buying the minis you think are cool and building an army around them! Don’t forget to grab the new rules for this faction and brush up on how to play them. We’ve got you covered in this article!

While it may have the highest value, The Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol still offers a great way for new players to start building their armies and explore the Adepta Sororitas faction.

Click Here For All The 40k Combat Patrol Pricing & Values

What do you think of the new Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol, pricing, value, rules, contents list, and release date?