Sisters of Battle Paragon Warsuits & Morvenn Vahl: Unboxing

Paragon warsuit and Morvennvahl rThe Paragon Warsuits & Morvenn Vahl have arrived at the studio, check Rob’s unboxing and thoughts on the newest releases!

We’re back unboxing the new big releases for the Sisters of Battle, including the Sacresant minis on top of the other two boxes! Rob sees what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Sisters of Battle Paragon Warsuits & Morvenn Vahl: Unboxing

Get Yours For Less From Amazon(Warsuits) (Vahl) or Dicehead Games!

Morvenn vahl unboxingThese are the boxes we’ll be covering today. Rob was able to pick these up from a local store, but you can still grab most of these since the allocations weren’t bad at all.


sacresant instructionsThe Superior is the only option for a pistol arm not built into the shield. They look like they build very similarly to Primaris, so if you’ve built any of them, this should be a breeze. One last thing to note, the pistols are just put right into the shields.

sacresant spruesThe sprues look very well detailed and nothing stands out as hard to build, just maybe the maces could be fiddly because they are spliced down the middle.

One of my buddies reported he magnetized the arms with 2mm x 1mm magnets and they work super good. So if you want to swap the arm weapons, that may be the trick!

Paragon Warsuits

Paragon Warsuit instructions


Paragon Warsuit instructions 2 The one nice thing about this is, they give you a bunch of variations in the sprues, meaning you aren’t pigeoned holed into one design. There is just an insane number of parts here, so while nothing looks too hard in the instructions, expect this to take a while, like easily over 2 hours to build just one of them.

Paragon Warsuit spruesEach one gets its own sprue. Meaning there is just an insane amount of clipping to do for just one mini. There are 5 head options on each kit alone. There will be a lot to trim and are just sooo many little parts, that make these look great, but make the project take forever.

Paragon Warsuit built


Paragon Warsuit built 2They look amazing when fully built! Rob honestly thought they would be a little bit bigger as they are basically 1.5 times the size of a Primaris.

Paragon Warsuit built 3 Rob used a little blue-tac for the weapon, so you could use that instead of a magnet because it would be a tiny magnet. Meaning you could play with either option.

Paragon Warsuit built 4You don’t have to glue the gun arm on either. Meaning you can set it up for all three weapons.

Morvenn Vahl

Morvenn vahl instructionsShe comes with 2 head options, but other than that, you will basically have to build it one way. She actually has a few fewer parts than the Warsuits, and the instructions are very well laid out. Still, even though she has less than the Warsuits, there are still a lot of small parts and the build will probably take a while.

Morvenn vahl sprueDetail-wise, everything looks great on the sprue! Luckily her high heels are one-piece because they were quite annoying on the Warsuits.

Morvenn vahl built


Morvenn vahl built 2This suit is very dynamic, but not very convertible. There are basically no options, so this is basically how you have to make it without a ton of effort. Rob used the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement to help with the lines on the robes. The bullets on the back go together very easily and overall it’s just a great mini.

Morvenn vahl built 3She’s slightly bigger than the Warsuits with a more striking pose, but still, only about 1.5 times the size of a Primaris. Assembly didn’t take nearly as long as the Warsuit, about an hour to an hour and a half.

Get Your New Sisters of Battle Models Here

What do you think of the new Warsuits? Will you be picking them up?

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