New Space Marines & Faction Changes in Latest FAQ

By Wesley Floyd | November 20th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

space marine wal hor wide

Orks may have been the main event for the FAQ changes, but Space Marines also got reworded a bit. Check out the latest updates to movement & alpha strikes.

Games Workshop just dropped an unexpected FAQ that was full of Ork changes and some minor Space Marine updates. Let’s check out what kind of updates the Imperium’s super soldiers got hit with.

Movement Nerfed in Fall FAQ Refresher

blood angel Faction Keyword 40k, A Tournament to Stop the Cheese?

With the way FLY was worded before, the model was able to ignore any terrain features and heights.
Players were able to jump onto the second level of buildings (above an enemy unit) and make a 0″ charge.

flying errata
This means that our precious Slam Captains can still get around, but they’ll have to account for true distance when they charge and they won’t be able to charge over screens.

wraith errata

Necron Wraiths don’t fly, but they got the same wording change. They ignore terrain features in the movement phase only. They’ll still have to measure the true distance when they decide to charge.

harlequin errata
Harlequin’s flip belts are only active in the movement phase as well. Screening units will be even more effective against units that need to close in with melee combat.

New Space Marines & Faction Changes in Latest FAQ:


With what looks to be GW tidying up some loose ends from the Fall FAQ, Primaris Reivers, Deathwatch units (Veterans/Vanguard), Dark Angels Armory of the Rock, Armory of the Blood Angels, and Grey Knight Interceptor’s rules were changed to basically ignore terrain features in the movement phase ONLY. 

This change is essentially what all other Fly units got hit with.

In case you weren’t tracking, the Fall FAQ basically took anything with FLY and changed the wording to only ignore terrain features/models in the movement phase. Once it’s time to charge, they have to move around other models and terrain pieces. This change still has the meta adjusting to it.

There we’re also some additional faction clarifications as well under the BIG FAQ entry that pertain to the old closing the gap trick:


As we’ve said before, it looks like GW is just making everything that ignored terrain/models at one point only ignore them in the movement phase. Compared to the Ork FAQ, these are hardly considered “changes”

What do you think about the movement NERF for these units? Do you think Space Marines should have one unit designed for hopping over screens? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.