Space Marines Finally Get Their Biggest Tank!

By Rob Baer | August 26th, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k News

Mastadon new space marine tank forge world

It’s finally here! Space Marine players everywhere finally get a chance to order the biggest tank the Astartes can muster; the Mastodon!

Source: Games Workshop (Facebook & Forge World)


Crashing as easily through the walls of ancient xeno fortifications as lines of traitor Space Marines – the Mastodon was one of the heaviest assault transports in use by the Space Marine Legions during the great crusade. It’s mighty frame is still found in chapter Armouries across the Imperium today.

mastodon hor
The Mastodon is heavily armed and armoured, carrying 40 Space Marines to war. It’s vast hull can even hold Dreadnoughts! The Mastodon’s fearsome sponson mounted weapons can be manned by the embarked troops, whilst it’s Skyreaper Battery tears enemy aircraft from the skies, and it’s Siege melta array burns through the toughest fortifications and armoured vehicles.





The Mastodon was one of the heaviest assault transports in the arsenal of the Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade, and is still found in the armouries of the Space Marine Chapters of the 41st Millenium. Its cavernous assault bay, capable of housing almost half a Company, is protected both by thick layers of ceramite armour as well as crackling void shields. It also mounts a fearsome siege melta array, allowing it to breach even the most formidable defences with ease, as well as an array of secondary weaponry intended to defend the vehicle as it approaches its target. Unleashed only against the most fearsome of enemy redoubts, there are few obstacles that can stay the wrath of this relic of the Imperium’s bloody birth.

The Mastodon is heavily armed and armoured, carrying 40 Space Marines, and even Dreadnoughts, safely to the heart of battle. Whilst embarked, the warriors within will defend their immense transport, turning the sponson weapons on any enemy brave or foolish enough to come close. It’s Siege melta array can easily destroy fortifications, and makes short work of armoured vehicles, whilst its Skyreaper Battery will tear through any airborne threat with ease.

Rules for using the Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport in Horus Heresy Games can be found in The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List and in The Horus Heresy Book Six – Retribution. Rules for using the Mastodon in standard games of Warhammer 40,000 can be downloaded.
The Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport is a complete multi-part resin kit that builds one super-heavy transport vehicle.

Checkout it’s rules for Warhammer 40k!

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