Space Marines Invictor Warsuit Combos To Watch Out For!

Invictor Tacitcal Warsuit wal horThe Warsuit is one of the most exciting releases Space Marines have gotten. But with it hitting the tabletops, here’s what to watch out for!

If you’ve been gauging whether or not your list needs some Invictor Warsuits in your life, take a look at these two tactics that seem to both viable in competitive play. Be sure to tell us which one you’ll be using as well as the results!

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Tactic #1 Hot & Spicy Dicey Supreme

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Looking at tactic #1, you can choose to kit the Warsuit with the Incendium Cannon. This route is the cheaper method and you ultimately make the most out of all of the unit’s weapons. However, the trade-off is that these things might be dead by turn two/three.

First off the chassis without any wargear is only 90 pts. Adding the Incendium cannon (+15)  and other random wargear brings the total to 116 pts. That’s not too shabby when you get an Infiltrating 12″ 2D6 heavy flamer profile with some added firepower sprinkled on top.

But enough of specs. Here’s what you need to do. 

You’ll want to infiltrate these guys as close as you can to enemy armor and screens. While this might mean that you need to place these models last (depending on what your opponent places first), you can always start your deployment with infiltrating your Primaris Infiltrators. But looking at what we meant when we said “you make the most of this unit”, at the start of your turn you can move, clear screens with 2D6 heavy flamer shots + other random dakka, THEN charge the armor that was bubble wrapped and clock in four S14 AP-3 3 flat damage attacks. You might not kill whatever you’re hitting but you’re tying it up, putting a hurtin’ on it, and forcing your opponent to react to that happening up to two other times across his front line. Not a bad turn one disruption option.

Tactic #2: Autocannon Extreme- Hold the Melee

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If you want a more reserved route that doesn’t put quite as big of a target on your Warsuits’ back, you can always run the autocannon (which costs 6 pts more than the incendium cannon). However, what you’ll want to do here is make sure you run some Scouts/Infiltrators with each Warsuit. The goal is to bubble wrap this guy in no-mans’ land and have the Warsuit start pelting things with the autocannon turn one without having to move.

The Infiltrating units nearby are meant to bubble wrap and protect him from anything like Nurglings trying to Tarpit, Eldar Shining Spear charges, etc. You’ll want to set up two or three of these mini firing platforms across your board and have the Infiltrator Captain nearby if possible to help with re-rolls.

As an insurance policy to your forward-firing bases, you’ll want to have something like a Smash Captain hanging back waiting for an opponent to attempt to clear out one of your dug-in spots. If a Lord Discordant runs up and tries to delete the blob, the Smash Captain will have the final say.

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Both are looking to be totally viable options for players but it might come down to points cost and Chapter Tactics between each list.  Plus at just under 150 pts, these things are surprisingly effective. They might only be T6, but five attacks at 3-flat damage and D6 mortal wounds on an explosion is something that’s always awkward to work around.

With all of this being covered, which option looks the most competitive to you? How many will you be running in your army?

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