Speed Paint All 3 Types of Dark Angels In This Painting Tutorial

Speed Paint Dark AngelsLearn how to speed paint all three types of Dark Angels with this excellent how-to tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase.

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This week, we’ll look at how to paint three different types of Dark Angels armor quickly; let’s see how to do it.

Speed Paint All 3 Types of Dark Angels: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Speed Paint Dark Angels 2With the Dark Angels getting so much love lately, it’s good to know how to paint them starting with the Deathwing.

Painting Deathwing Models:

Speed Paint Dark Angels 3He starts with a white undercoat and coats the whole model with Seraphim Sepia. Once fully dry, he comes and drybrushes the whole with Pale Sand from AK. Then he picks out all the black details with Black Legion and preps the silver.

For the silver, he uses Oily Steel; to get a good base coat here. With the red details, he basecoats with Ork Flesh and then Baal Red. Next up, for all the gray/stone details, he waters down Dark Sea Grey and applies it to all the gray areas and AK Bronze for all the gold details.

To finish off this stage, he then applies Nuln Oil over everything but the bone color.

Speed Paint Dark Angels 4Next, He returns to the Pale Sand here and tidies up the bone color. Now it’s onto the basing, and he starts with Lunar Desert, putting it all over the base and slightly onto the boots.

Then he applies Greenskin Soil all over the base and drybrushes it with Pale Sand. You could play with it at this stage, but he will take it a step further. He starts by layering up all the red with Deep Red and layers the green details with Deep Green.

Up next, he uses Dark Sea Grey to hit all the gray areas to keep the highlighting going. Then, he mixes Pale Sand into all the colors he used for another lighter highlight (red, green, and gray).

To finish off the armor, he takes White and highlights all the armor.

Painting Ravenwing:

Speed Paint Dark Angels 5For this, he starts by spraying it black. Then, he drybrushes the whole thing with Dark Sea Grey first. Next he comes back with Black Legion and does a reverse highlight, meaning starting on flat areas instead of raised areas.

For the silver, he uses Oily Steel; get a good base coat here and then do the same for the leather with Steel Legion Drab. For the bone details, he uses Pale Sand and Baal Red for the Red details. Then, he applies Nuln Oil to the red and silver details.

Other than basing, you are ready to throw this down on the tabletop, but you can take it a step further!

Speed Paint Dark Angels 6First, He highlights all the bone areas with Pale Sand and all the red with Deep Red. He highlights the whole thing with Dark Sea Grey for the armor.

He uses the same basing method as the Deathwing model to finish it off.

Painting Classic Green Armor:

Speed Paint Dark Angels 7He again starts with a black undercoat. He begins with Dark Green and heavily overbrushes the whole model; you want to leave some of the recesses black here.

After that, he takes some Light Green and lightly drybrushes all the armor. He then picks out all the black areas and the gun with Black Legion. For the silver, he uses Oily Steel; get a good base coat here and then do the same for the leather with Steel Legion Drab.

Then pick out the Gold with AK Bronze. For the bone details, he uses Pale Sand and Baal Red for the Red details. Then, he applies Nuln Oil to the entire model other than the eyes.

Again, other than basing, you are pretty much ready to throw this down on the tabletop, but you can take it a step further!

Speed Paint Dark Angels 8To start, He highlights all the bone areas with Pale Sand, all the red with Deep Red, and highlights the armor with Light Green. Finally, he returns and tidies up the leather with Steel Legion Drab.

Be sure to check out the video below for all the details!

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